Tagged: caption, Lightbox, portfolio item
I’m wondering if there’s a way to have captions appear on lightbox images for one portfolio item, but not on other portfolio items. Is there a way to specify which ones I want to have captions for? It’s only a few right now.
Hey joschro,
If you are familiar with javascript or jquery this may be possible with an if statement. Essentially you would want a function that states if the image is not of a certain id or class then hide the caption.
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon
Thank you for your response. Where would that certain id or class go in the dashboard? Ultimately that’s where I would be editing captions.
I see there is a space for a caption in the Edit Gallery page. I would like to be able to put a caption there, and have it show up as a caption in the lightbox. This would seem like an easy way to get captions onto the images that I want to have captions, and for the images I don’t want captions, I would just leave the caption area blank. How can that happen?
If the only way to get captions is with the Title field in Attachment Details, can I delete the titles of images where I don’t want their title to show up as captions? I’m wondering if I delete this, will it negatively affect the image?
You can keep the image title attribute blank and it won’t negatively effect the image.
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon
Perfect, that should work. Thank you!
Thanks for the feedback. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.
Best regards,
This solves my issue, so you can close it, thanks.
I’m glad we were able to help. If you need anything else, please let us know here in the forums.
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon