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  • #933290

    In the last few weeks I have seen a huge increase in SPAM emails through the contact form using Captcha. I went from 1 every other week from 8 sites, to 4 a day from 1 site and a site other than the usuals. (I have 26 licenses) Still not a ton of spam but the last article I saw about this is a little over a year old.

    Suggestions? Plans to update Captcha? I would really prefer to not rebuild all the contact forms for 26 sites, especially seeing a couple are really overdone with fields. (blame the clients)



    Hey MichaelAlbany,
    Do you mean that you saw this post: Google recaptcha for contact form?
    At the moment I’ve not seen and notes about further work on this. Sorry I wish I had a better solution for you.

    Please feel free to request – or vote if already requested – such feature on Enfold feature request form.

    Best regards,


    Actually I was referring to this one: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/contact-form-spam-seeking-suggestions/ But I saw that one too. I am not using any third party Captcha at this point. I guess that is about to change.

    I will make the suggestion/vote now.


    I had not seen that one, the reference to WP-Spamshield looks interesting as it doesn’t use a visible Captcha & is aimed at the whole site instead of one form.

    Best regards,


    Minor detail, its listed as “No longer available for download”

    Went through 10 pages of requests (some are people just not paying attention). About to request an update to Captcha.

    Thanks and feel free to close this ticket. Or we can converse all day if you’d like. I have time. ;-)


    Yes I did see that it is not listed on WP plugins, but I linked to their new page :)
    But I also don’t know if it even works. I understand what you mean about the requests, but I feel that may change soon as we have added another dev. Right now though the team is going though and cleaning up the code base and bug fixing for the next release.
    Thanks for your patience and for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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