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  • #1398804


    I tried to put the key and secret for recaptcha V3, it did not accept it, no problem, I used V2 which is ok for me.
    1. It shows only in english langauge (I use polylang plugin)
    2. When I click on I’m not a Robot it activates the send button but it disappears (the form may send to other destinations but not to a gmail account)
    3. I tried to activate the cookies options, but it does not affect the recaptcha behaviour, so I deactivated again the cookies.


    Hey tamara_75,
    Thanks for the link to your site, I tested your contact page with your recaptcha and it seem to work correctly for me.
    Once you click on it and it activates the send button it should disappear.
    If you mean that you are not getting the email to your gmail account, it is probably because you are using your domain email as the sender email but sending it to the gmail address, it is probably being marked as spam, try using your domain address.
    To solve the recaptcha showing English text on the FR version I added this to your child theme functions.php

    add_filter('avf_google_recaptcha_apiurl_lang', function($lang, $context) {
    	if($context == 'frontend')
    		$lang = substr(get_locale(), 0, 2);
    	return $lang;
    }, 10, 2);

    Please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,

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