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  • #468712

    I’m having issues with Enfold installs for a client on Dreamhost. On the following sites, if I try to update plugins, wordpress or the theme, the admin/site/page hangs and then takes me to a page not found on the front end of the site. I inquired with Dreamhost tech support and they said everything looked fine with the servers and that I should contact you guys. Any clues for me?

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by sky19er.

    Hey sky19er!

    I don’t think the theme would be causing that. It happens when the default theme is activated as well correct?

    Make sure all plugins are deactivated while testing.



    No, when I activate the default theme there’s no problem. I tried deactivating all plugins and I’ve manually updated Enfold — still having the same issue. I’ll include credentials for you here. Note, I’ve updated everything by switching to the default theme, but try adding any plugin and you’ll see the issue (I’ve switched it back to Enfold now).

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by sky19er.

    Having the same issue here.


    Having the EXACT same issue after last automatic server update July 3rd, 2015. (but on Media Temple service provider)

    I have/host/developed multiple WP sites on this VPS server: All WP sites are now having the exact same error when attempting to update!

    “Premature end of script headers: update-core.php, referer: http://d************in/index.php”

    The site loads fine, can login fine, can edit pages & theme – to a point before it ‘hangs’ & times-out.

    Cannot ‘update’ at all. Tried all the usual WP tricks to get it to load – nothing. Getting 504 timeout errors when attempting to work development in the WP back-end admin. Getting 500 errors when attempting to ‘update’ anything.

    This has nothing to do the enfold theme, but it is a server configuration issue that has occurred after the last/recent automatic server updates.

    Attempting to work through the link provided by Elliott. So far, no luck. (refer to post #469090)

    My service provider is useless. Help? :-) The Kriesi team is the best.


    Yes – I’m having this issue with multiple sites right now – everything works great but when I try to the update the theme it just loads forever and eventually times out. I’m working around it right now with FTP, etc., but it does worry me that something might be seriously wrong.


    It happens with the Themeforest API setup. Remove that and you’ll be able to add plugins without the errors.


    RE: sundialstudios: ‘….happens with the Themeforest API setup. Remove that and you’ll be able…’

    This action does help the lag/timeout issue, but it’s not problem. I’ve tried that an still getting 500 & 504 errors. The issue is some sort of Update system/server compatibility issue after the July 3rd automatic update. ENFOLD is apart of the problem, but is not THE problem.

    [Mon Jul 06 08:44:09 2015] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: read data timeout in 45 seconds, referer:
    http:// (website).com/(adminuser)/index.php
    [Mon Jul 06 08:44:09 2015] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: update-core.php, referer:
    http:// (website).com/(adminuser)/index.php

    Please advise. :-(

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by zOrg.

    Yep, me too. Same issue exactly. I’m on Dreamhost too but it’s not a hosting issue.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by ElizabethB.

    I am not om Dreamhost – I have my own private server with 3 Enfold installations and I have the same issue- I can’t even login to the backend on any of the websites. So it’s not a hosting issue.


    I removed my Themeforest username and API from the Theme Update fields and that seemed to solve my issue. But now I put the info back in and I don’t seem to be having the issue anymore, even with that info in there. Is it possible that removing the info clears up the issue (at least whatever issue I was having, apparently with Dreamhost), and then you can reenter the info without it reactivating the issue? Anyway, my issue seems to be resolved, at least for the moment.




    Envato is having some issues with DDoS attacks and their API.
    They are working to have it solved as soon as possible, which will fix that issue for you also.

    We will be happy to assist on anything else regarding our themes, feel free to ask us!


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