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  • #1114399


    I am unable to save any changes in the theme options.

    “Saving didnt work!
    Please reload the page and try again”

    Can you help me out?


    Hey Bart,
    Thanks for the login, I see that you are getting this error:

    /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php   Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET

    I don’t see any security plugins on your site, does your webhost have any built-in?
    Otherwise, please ask the webhost to check the server logs for why this is happening

    Best regards,


    Hey Mike,

    Thanks for looking into this. The error is still occuring.

    My webhost told me there was no php version set, they did set it now hoping it would solve the problem but it didn’t.

    This is what the error log said:

    [Sun Jun 30 10:40:23.740269 2019] [lsapi:error] [pid 544262:tid 139796588377856] [client] [host] get_client_block(16384) failed, referer:
    [Sun Jun 30 10:40:23.740344 2019] [lsapi:error] [pid 544262:tid 139796588377856] [client] [host] Client error on sending request(POST /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php HTTP/1.1); uri(/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php) content-length(29367): user_get_body(tmpstackbuf, 16384): read from client failed, referer:


    Does theme make any specific connections from your server to my webhost? If so, can you send the IP address so they can check for any blockages in the firewall.

    They say it might be a plugin conflict but I doubt that since I don’t have installed any.


    The theme doesn’t make any connections to your site unless you are installing a demo, in which case it’s:

    Please ask your webhost to check your PHP settings to see if the secure options are activated.
    If “allow_url_fopen, “allow_url_include” and “register_globals” are “off”
    Try turning these “on”.

    Best regards,

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