I am not able to press ENTER when writing in a plain text edit screen in the text module.
All my code is clumped together and difficult to read quickly. I’d like to start new lines like I usually can in the default editor.
Hi jinsley8!
Pressing Enter in any text editor should normally start a new line. please point us to the page where we can inspect the element in question and create a temporary user with ‘administrator’ role and share in private content with permission to deactivate all plugins and add custom code if necessary to help you resolve this issue.
Sorry I forgot to reply.
Login info linked privately.
Try editing a text block on a page I linked to. Can’t press ENTER in plain text mode.
All my code is clumped together and difficult to read quickly. I’d like to start new lines like I usually can in the default editor.
Since you mentioned “code”, you should probably use the Code Block element instead of the text block because text blocks automatically remove certain tags like line breaks, paragraph etc. We created a test page with a text block and we can’t hit “ENTER”, it’s not working, but when we tested this on our installation, pressing “ENTER” works fine. The issue is probably cause by a plugin or a custom modification in the theme. Please try to deactivate all plugins then test the text block editor again.
Best regards,