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  • #1351184


    I am currently working on a website in development and every time I try to import fonts via the enfold import/export options it fails.
    I get the message: “Couldn’t add the font because the server didn’t respond. Please reload the page, then try again”
    and the console shows the following error: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 () /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?_fs_blog_admin=true:1

    I already tried to deactivate all plugins, switching to the parent theme and updating enfold but nothing worked.
    The website is using PHP 8.1.

    Any help is appreciated.


    Hi Gerry,

    Could you try downgrading the PHP version to see if that changes anything? Something between your current version, and 7.4 for example. If you get the same error after that, then please post admin WordPress login details in private. If you have server error logs, then please share them with us as well.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Sadly downgrading PHP didn’t help.
    I’ve tried both version 8.0 and 7.4.
    It also seems like we can’t access the server logs.
    I’ve put the login credentials in the private content field

    Best regards,



    Thanks for that. I’m seeing the same problem on my end unfortunately. It’s very difficult to say what could be going wrong, since a 500 server error is a very general error message. Could you try reaching out to your hosting provider, to see if they can see why the server is responding that way maybe?

    Best regards,


    Ok, I will contact the hosting provider.

    Best Regards,



    Thanks for the update. We’ll keep this thread open, in case you should need any further help from us.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    the hosting provider activated the Server ZIP extension.
    Now we can Import the fonts.

    Best Regards,



    Great, I’m glad that they could help you out. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,


    Dear all,
    I have the same issue as Gerry: Although having prepared the correctly (by creating a zipped folder with converted google fonts), enfold’s import/export option is prompting “Couldn’t add the font because the server didn’t respond.…”
    As there already had been uploaded some custom icon font-zips with the icon upload option (two years ago or so) I’m afraid that the solution of Gerry will not solve our problems.
    Could there be another reason for this malfunction?
    Kind regards


    Hi Armin,

    Please open a new thread and include WordPress admin login details in private, so that we can have a closer look at your site.

    Best regards,

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