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  • #753966

    Hallo, ich kann leider die Daten-Files des Demo2017 Templates nicht importieren. Folgende Fehlermeldung wird angezeigt: Importing didnt work! You might wand to try reloading the page and then try again.
    OK, nach dem nächsten Importversuch wird bemängelt, dass ein paar Mediendateien schon vorhanden sind. Nach dem Löschen dieser Dateien wird wieder die erste Fehlermeldung angezeigt. Nachdem ich WordPress neu aufgesetzt habe erscheint wieder der gleiche Fehler (Clickandbuilt 1und1 Installation). Die Installation des “alten” Enfold Standardtemplates funktioniert aber die Seite zeigt Darstellungsfehler auf.


    Ich habe nun eine manuelle Installation von WordPress ausgeführt und Enfold installiert. Ich habe die gleiche Fehlermeldung wie vorher.
    Die Domain verwendet PHP7.0. RAM 256MB



    There was an issue with Amazon server so i’m not sure if that caused a problem. If it’s a new site without any content please user a plugin like to clear old data and re-import new demo files.

    Alternately defining a higher memory limit in wordpress and if possible increasing the memory on the hosting server should resolve this issue.

    To increase the wordpress memory limit please access wp-config.php file and add the below line

    define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');

    For a detailed explanation please check this link
    and you can contact your service provider to increase the memory limit.

    Alternatively demo data can be imported using XML file from Admin > Tools > Import > WordPress
    Make sure to check the option “Download and import file attachments” while importing.

    Please note this will not import the theme settings you may need to set them up and upload if any images are missing from backend once the XML file is imported.

    App demo
    Blog Lifestyle
    Business Flat
    Coming Soon
    Creative Studio
    Default demo
    Landing Page
    Portfolio Minimal
    Portfolio one page
    Restaurant one page

    Best regards,


    Ich hatte ebenfalls diese Fehlermeldung.
    Ein vollständiger Reset mit dem Plugin “wordpress reset” sowie die Ergänzung in der “wp-config.php änderte zu erst leider auch nichts.
    Nachdem ich feststellte, dass trotz Fehlermeldung Medien des “enfold2017” geladen wurden habe ich den import immer wieder wiederholt.
    Nach ca. fünf Versuchen und regelmäßiger Fehlermeldung kam dann die Erfolgsmeldung “allright sparky…”

    Alles unter Safari 10.0.3 unter OS X 10.11.6 falls das noch wichtig wäre.

    Translation: Sorry for my english – short version
    I also had this error.
    A complete reset with the plugin “wordpress reset” as well as the addition in the “wp-config.php changed to unfortunately nothing.
    After I noticed that despite the error message media of the “enfold2017” were loaded, I repeated the import again and again and again.
    (in beetween i updated the page as suggested). At least it works.

    Greetings from Germany


    Danke für den Hinweis @mavofa2one

    Ich schätze, dass es wirklich an dem Problem bei den Amazon Servern lag.


    Lass uns wissen, wenn du noch Hilfe benötigst dabei.



    I purchased Enfold today, and had the same issue as mavofa2one
    I am running WP 4.7.3 with Enfold 4.0.2, PHP7.0.6. RAM 256MB
    I tried installing several demo data sets, finally I focused on the Enfold 2017 demo, but always got the error message “Importing didnt work!….”.
    I also tried by using the reset plugin, I tried via XML import…nothing worked out.
    After reading over this forum thread, I tried the way mavofa2one described to have solved his isues.
    So I clicked approx. 15-20 times on “Click to import” on the Enfold2017 child theme.
    After each click/import attempt the error message list got longer, and I reloaded the website (front end) each time to see if anything changed.
    Approx. after the 10th import attempt the default Enfold website changed to the Enfold2017 theme, the slider appeared correctly, but still with a few other missing bits and pieces.
    Eventually I got the message “Alright sparky…”, the website appeared with the Enfold2017 theme BUT the slider showed no images

    Here the site:

    Can you tell what went wrong here?

    But please no vague answers like “maybe the amazon servers…”.
    If this issue is not yet nailed down, if there are not suffcient infos or facts, just say so.
    Please let me know what I should do to get to proper demo data.
    I mainly purchased this theme as it got advertised offering great demo sites incl. data…but up till now I cannot use it.




    Thank you for elaborating the issue. Like you mentioned the 2017 demo is imported on your installation but the slider is missing the images. Please refer to this link to import the missing slider images

    Best regards,


    Same problem here – I can not upload Enfold 2017 demo. I tried to upload on GoDaddy host and also on my localhost. The upload ends with no results or with an error message. Please advise.



    With “upload” you mean “importing”? so importing does not work for you? If that’s the case then make sure your server has enough php memory limit and increase it if necessary. We recommend to work with 256MB. Talk to your host about it.

    Best regards,


    Yes I mean importing. I already increased the memory, but it did not solve the issue.
    The problem is only with the Enfold2017, no issue with other templates.
    Please advise, Thank you.



    There might be some corrupted files, so please delete all theme files completely via FTP, before installing a fresh copy from your themeforest account. Here is a short tutorial on how to install the theme via FTP, in case you are not sure how that works:

    Best regards,


    I’ve downloaded the old layerslider of Enfold, but I would need to download the demo of the new layerslider enfold 2017.
    Can you help me, please?

    Thank you!



    All the demos have the same Layer Slider slides

    Please feel free to download the latest Layer Slider slides from Enfold 2017 demo below

    Slider 1
    Slider 2



    Thank you, but I explained wrong …excuse me for my horrible English.
    I would need the images and sliders of new demo ENFOLD 2017 at link, not old slider.

    Thank you!
    Best regards


    Can you please fix the Enfold2017 demo importing? This is part of the package I’ve paid for.
    There is no issue with importing other demos, just the Enfold 2017.
    I see I’m not the only one facing this issue.

    Thank you,


    Hi Vinay,
    then can’t i use images and layerslider in new enfold2017 demo at link

    Thank you,



    please try to import the demo at least 10 times in a row. There might show some errors, but just continue with importing until it works.

    Best regards,


    i’ve tried to import the demo 12 times, but it doesn’t work.

    Best regards,



    the problem might be that your server doesn’t allow when big files are importing/uploading and the duration for it takes too long. So talk to your host about it and let them know that you want to increase this function for your server.

    Best regards,

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