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  • #891875


    There are a lot of options, but I can’t get it to work to get my items centered in a collom?

    (another question, i used quick CSS to edit “.avia-button.avia-size-small:” to have special buttons on the right of the phone picture, but now ‘of course’ all my buttons are gonna look like this, is it possible that the custom buttons are only for the text block with Phone picture?)


    Hey remco,
    I believe that you would like to have the elements centered on the page, but the text aligned left. To do this we will add left padding to the elements.

    #top.home .avia-builder-el-10,#top.home .avia-builder-el-19 {padding-left: 60px !important; }

    please see screenshot in Private Content area

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    thanks for youre reaction.

    Humm, yes that will fix the problem in that view, but i gonna lose that space when I change the window size, the layout will transform quicker with the buttons under it (because there is less space), also with a mobile view the padding is not good for the view.


    In my tests it is transforming to a stacked view at 898px vs 800px without the code. Yet tablets are typically 768px with the next screen size being 1024px. Both cases are well within the two sizes. I can offer coding it with limits to sizes you wish. But I don’t know of any devices with a screen size of 850px which are the one affected by this change, nonetheless I’m happy to offer this.
    I can also add more padding for mobile (425px) so they look centered if you wish.
    Will this help?

    Best regards,

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