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  • #593180


    I tried to translate the button text “Post Comment” on the Blog Comment Area,
    but it seems to be hidden somewhere deeply,
    I tried using CodeStyling Localization to search in both WordPress and Enfold strings and looked into the comments.php as well,

    Can’t make it work, could you help?


    Hi decode,

    Please send us a temporary admin login so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.




    admin login info provided :)



    forgot the URL …




    anyone can help ??



    Sorry for the delay. Are you referring to the following text?

    Want to join the discussion? 
    Feel free to contribute!

    Please install the following plugin in order translate the strings:

    If it’s not working, go to the enfold theme folder then modify the comments.php file.




    I am afraid not, I mean the button “post comment”.

    I tried using CodeStyling Localization to search in both WordPress and Enfold strings and looked into the comments.php as well,

    Can’t make it work


    hello? losing you again ….



    this is the 12th day after the ticket was submitted, could anyone help??

    can’t find where to translate the text “post comment” on the button,

    I tried using CodeStyling Localization to search in both WordPress and Enfold strings and also looked into the comments.php as well,

    Can’t make it work ….



    Posting to a topic again and again, just bring it back to que and we miss it, that means we can not reply at all.
    I have translated the string for you, please clear cache and let us know if it is ok.



    hi, Basilis

    thanks~ but it didn’t work (cache cleared) ,
    where exactly did you go for the fix?

    I need to translator the button label “post comment”, it’s currently showing “張貼迴響” in my language.
    I need to modify it but can’t find the string any where.



    We are working on your ticket please wait while we update the results here soon.

    Please go to Appearance > Editor > functions.php > scroll to bottom where you see

    Replace “Post Comment” with any text you want in line ” var btntxt = ‘Post Comment’;”

    // Replace post button text
    function custom_btntxt(){
        var btntxt = 'Post Comment';
    add_action('wp_footer', 'custom_btntxt');

    Best regards,
    Vinay Kashyap

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Vinay.


    Thank you so much, it works !!!!

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