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  • #1363041

    I want to implement Google v2 Captcha to the enfold contact forms.
    Therefore I have created Google reCaptcha v2 Keys.

    These Keys works because I use these for our real estate plugin for displaying our listings on our site. If you use the contact form of the real estate plugin the data will be sent….but not on enfold contact forms.

    Please help

    regards Patrick


    Hey patde22,

    The login details you posted are not working, please check and verify.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    please try again, I changed pw.

    regards Patrick



    Thanks for that. I activated ReCAPTCHA in the theme options, and it seems to be working as it should on my end. Could you check and verify please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    if I click the “Prüfe reCAPTCHA API KEYS Version2” Button I get the following error message
    “Fehler beim Herstellen einer Verbindung mit Google reCAPTCHA – bitte wiederhole den Vorgang. Der geheime Parameter ist ungültig oder fehlerhaft”

    When I refresh the “Google Dienste” site in enfold options there is the following message:
    “Als wir das letzte mal überprüften, konnten wir mit deinem API-Schlüsseln eine Verbindung zu Google reCAPTCHA herstellen”

    I don´t know why I get the error message in the backend?

    I check it tomorrow again.

    regards Patrick



    Thanks for the update. I could only see this message:

    Als wir das letzte mal überprüften, konnten wir mit deinem API-Schlüsseln eine Verbindung zu Google reCAPTCHA herstellen

    Is it working as it should now?

    Best regards,

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