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  • #631480

    Hallo i have problem to edit Our Wedding’s page
    impossibile to use builder content, all page is red and not work nothing
    this is new fresh installazion
    please help


    Hey marcellovoc,

    Please post us a link to your website and your login credentials (in the “private data” field), so we can take a look at your backend. Login credentials include:

    • the URL to the login screen
    • a valid username (with full administration capabilities)
    • as well as a password for that username

    Best regards,

    PS: I think its rather disappointing when people ask for support and at the same time rate the theme with one star, without waiting to receive help. I hope you reconsider your rating once the issue is solved…


    When i try to edit Our Wedding’s page ( Home page) i can’t becouse is all red ( i speack not good englisch but can u see inside the edit page)

    Yes i have make this rated becouse, i have buy domain only for this teme, and today i not have work becouse this theme have this problem, my customers not have time for this issue…
    Please fix this problem ( this is only demo site for test) can u make what u want, but say me how fix, becouse i must make in another domain
    and becouse i think we have this problem always when time of support is expired and then we must pay again for support, and this cause in me stress becouse are 6 mouth, no problem with this theme, now support expired theme not work….
    Thx have nice day

    i make 5 stars after fix ,no problem

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by marcellovoc.


    We will do our best to fix the issue and we are here for you.
    Please do understand that rating the theme, it also makes our work harder, as the support we offer ( as per Kriesi request ), is extended further of the 6 month and it is not limited, so do not worry about that.

    We have tested the issue and I did tested on an installation of mine also, so we can make sure that the issue exists and it is not something else.
    I have rested your staging environment also and re-imported and I have noticed the issue there also.

    Kriesi is looking at it, and he will make sure to fix it as soon as possible, in the meantime, we will work to find the issue in your installation and fix it.

    Please be patience while we do work on the issue and if you do appreciate our hard working, we would also appreciate to change the rating of the theme.

    Best regards,


    the theme is great, but really i need this fix then i make 5 stars



    Login credentials are not working for me. Can you please check them once again?




    the login credentials do not work for me. are they correct?

    Best regards,


    someone have update the credential….also language…

    i make new user

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by marcellovoc.


    Thanks. Would you mind posting me your login credentials for the FTP access as well?
    I am not sure what exactly is happening on your site but I will try to re-install the theme. maybe there is a corrupted file.

    What I was able to find out until now is that when the theme loads the content in the advanced layout editor it gets redirected to the front page and then loads this page. not sure yet why this is happening but I will try to check if I can do something via FTP



    sure no problem
    i think the problem is this string
    “After having searched for each other for more than 25 years we are now happy to announce that we will celebrate our wedding together on”
    i know is strange but i have try to rebuild this page in another page, and when i copy this string, edit’s page not work
    without this string, edit’s page work
    is really strange


    i can’t explain in english, but who have make this wedding’s demo, have make this string with some other code,and make conflict in edit’s page, i think


    Hi best regards too :D


    Yes i noticed that too. Whenever a text string is pasted the script seems to kill itself. Maybe this has something to do with the language the site is set up with…

    Might actually be a database issue. Do you have a tool like phpMyAdmin that lets us access the database so we can take a look?

    Best regards,

    PS: sorry for the empty post – was to fast with sending ;D





    This is insanely weird but the simple word “having” seems to cause the issue. And its not because its copy/pasted or imported. If i write the word in a new post into a text element it causes the problem. Once I removed the word from the demo content the site worked fine again. 

    I will investigate the issue tomorrow a little more since its already 0:30 pm here. Since its not happening for me on my local installation I guess it might have to do with some of the server settings…
    In the meantime please make sure not to use the word anywhere, other than that the site should work fine now :P

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Kriesi.
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