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  • #241434

    Hey together :-)

    Since today I can’t edit textcontent. If I add a new textbox I can’t also write text. The editor doesn’t show a cursor and I can’t insert a letter. Other elements like button or seperator I can insert and edit without problems…

    I’ve tried it with Google Chrome and Internet Explorer. I use the newest version of Enfold.

    What I have done today: Change the Site-URL from to (WordPress-Home is still The page works correct.

    Thanks for help!


    Anyone an idea or the same problem?



    You can’t simply change the website url. WordPress and our theme use serialized data to store some settings and if you change the website url you also must change the serialized data references. If possible I recommend to switch back to the old url, then import a database backup which you made before you switched the website address, then install this plugin: WP MigrateDB or WP MigrateDB PRO and replace the development server url with the new url ( ) and export the database. Then import the exported database file again and then you can switch to the new domain. Also see–wp-32684



    Hi Dude!

    Thanks for reply.
    I’ve done that and now my page is no longer available.

    Structure on the webserver:

    Settings on export:
    – New URL ( instead
    – Same Path
    – “New GUID” disabled (also tried with enabled)

    Settings on document-root-directory on the webserver:
    Have copied the index.php and .htaccess file from the wordpress directory
    and changed this parameter in the index.php on the root-directory:
    require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wp-blog-header.php' );
    require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wordpress/wp-blog-header.php' );

    I didn’t change parameters in the wp-config.php and functions.php

    Can you help me? :S

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by Fabrice.

    Don’t want make stress, but can someone help me? Have no idea how I could fix my problem :-/



    Can you create an administrator account and post it here as a private reply?


    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thank you for the link but before we can help you. Where do you intend to transfer the website? What domain? And the exact directory on where you want the wordpress files to be located. Please watch the video on the link that Dude provided. This will surely clear things up for you. If we access the wp dashboard right now, all we can do is access the WP MigrateDB plugin then generate the database file which is not helpful at all.

    Best regards,


    Hey Ismael!

    Thanks for answer.

    My goal:
    Website-URL: not
    Examples: instead instead

    But the wordpress-directory should still be /public_html/wordpress (/public_html is the document root directory). I’ve tried it with the DB migrator with the parameters which I have mentioned above…

    If I change the Website-URL in the WordPress Settings, the site works, Administration works BUT I can’t edit or add text content… The Avia Advanced Layout Builder works…
    Do you need some other logins?

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by Fabrice.


    If you don’t want to change the directory it should be easy to migrate the website.

    1) Use WP MigrateDB or WP MigrateDB PRO and replace the domain name with

    2) Then make a backup of your old database, delete the database and import the sql file into the database.

    3) Go to your server administration panel and change the domain mapping – instead of the root folder point the url to /public_html/wordpress/. Wait some minutes (sometimes the changes can take some time) and you’re ready.



    Hey Dude

    If I do exactly these steps, my site is not available. I can’t access to the wp-admin or something else. Now it shows “error”.
    Don’t know what I’m doing wrong.



    No, tbh I’m not sure why it doesn’t work. I suggest to contact the server administrator – maybe you need to tweak the server configuration somehow – or to hire someone here: who can help you to migrate the website for some $. I used the same method to migrate several websites without any issues in the past and other Enfold users also managed to migrate their Enfold installation without any issues with the WP MigrateDB or WP MigrateDB PRO plugin.



    Hey Peter!

    I’m the server administrator :-P Don’t think the server configuration is the problem… Have change the site url on many other websites with no problem.. If I change the site url everything works, only the text editor not… This is very strange…

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by Fabrice.
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