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  • #247877

    I was under the impression the Enfold admin dash would allow me to change the colors of the text content in my footer. I’ve tried change it several times, but the changes are not taking effect.

    Basically, I want to change the widget titles in the footer to #21c2f3, as well as be able to change the text and link colors.

    Am I doing something wrong?

    URL is bulletproofsouls.com. You’ll need to access my /wp-admin since the site is hidden behind a Coming Soon (we’re going live on Monday). Here’s my login:


    • This topic was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by bpsapparel.

    Hey Josh!

    Please add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under Styling tab and adjust as needed

    #footer .widgettitle { color: #21c2f3; } /* color of widget titles */
    #footer .widget { color: red; } /* color of footer text */ 
    .footer_color a { color: green; } /* color of footer links */

    Best regards,

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