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  • #774135

    I have been trying to change the header background color of my site without success for the last couple days. I have read through the solutions provided for others with same issue and tried them all without success.

    Currently under the general styling tab the logo area background color is set at #232b30 as is the socket background color. On the live site the background is white.
    I tried the quick css suggested in another thread of
    #header_meta {
    background: #232b30;
    which also made no change.

    Please help. I would like to post the site and it is the only thing not working. I have included the site address and log in credentials in the private area below.


    Hey KitsapSearchK9,

    I am currently seeing the header background as near transparent. Is this not what you want? I am not understanding the fix needed.If you could provide a screenshot of the area you want corrected it would really help.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Thanks for prompt reply.
    When start to scroll down the current site does this:

    And I want it to do this:

    Not sure if both the screen shots loaded……….. if not can you tell me how to send them to you? When I hit the img tag above. It wants a URL.


    I added a page to the website so that you can see the screen shots of what I want to do.

    Here is URL

    Looking forward to solution.



    Is there a resolution to my issue regarding the logo header area background color? As seen on the illustration page that I set up at the exact same settings in the theme general styling produces different results.

    What do I need to do to get the result that I want?



    Hi K,

    Did you get it working for you? I see the dark header :)
    In order to share print screens you should upload them to some third party service like and then post the link here.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

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