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  • #1032778

    I have an issue with the editor
    There is this page and this page, they are the same but in 2 different languages.
    After the romanian version was created the english was created too, and thanks god a template was saved, because at the bottom of the page there should be a contact form and some drinks, and they dont show up.
    If the template “eng” is inserted in the page, until you press update, it is there, after that it just simply disappears from the back and frontend.
    Could you help me out with this one?
    Feel free to log in


    Hey imokweb,

    Thanks for the login details, though they don’t seem to be working. Could you check and verify please?

    Best regards,


    You were right :))
    Changed the password and tried it, and now it works.
    Try the new login details please


    Thanks for the login, I took a look at your page, this error is typically due to a un-closed html tag in the title fields, such as the strong tags in your titles.
    I used the Avia Layout Builder Debugger
    to check your shortcodes in the template “en” but it is not complete, compared to the homepage.
    I recommend trying to recreate the page again, and keeping an eye on the html tags in the titles to ensure all of them them are closed properly.

    Best regards,


    Hello :)
    That is the point.
    I copied the text from the romanian version and added it to the english version.
    After that started to repalce the texts and hit save, and half of the page was not saved.
    What can I do because this is really frustrating rebuilding over and over the page and allways failss…?


    What I also noticed that in the avia debugger, part of the code is missing. In the Avia builder the elements are there.


    Try replacing your text in sections, such as the top half of the page first, then half of the bottom half of the page.
    This way you don’t have to keep trying to change the same text and you can find the section that is breaking the layout.
    once you find the sentence or code that is causing the issue you will be able to correct it.

    Best regards,

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