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  • #501030

    I have several tables on a site that contain material properties with values that often contain a less than sign (<). Entering these is no problem, but as soon as I come back to that same page to update something else, the page breaks (after the update). Probably because it sees the <-sign as the start of an HTML tag.

    A temporary workaround is to replace any < sign with & lt; inside the debug window and hit update. But as soon as I return for any future update to another section of the page, the page breaks again. It’s like that update changes every & lt; back to a <-sign.

    Here are two screenshots that show the page content:
    Before (working):
    After (broken):

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by netb.

    Hey netb!

    You will need to type out the ASCII code each time or you can use the default editor for this.

    What I would do is just keep a copy of all of the code in a text file and edit it there and then paste it into the area when your done.



    I’m sorry, but that’s a very disappointing answer. We have multiple tables over several pages and languages. And in the near future, a group of people at our client will be managing the content on their site and they will be updating these pages regularly. These people are not the most technical people, so using WordPress and Enfold might be a bit of a challenge for them. Asking each of them to maintain a list of text files for every data table on their site is just not acceptable. In my opinion, this is clearly a bug. Why can it not be fixed?

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by netb.


    The < character is the the start of an html tag and the > character is the ending character. Since all the content which is put into either the default editor of WordPress or the Advanced Layout Builder will be read as html, it’s very difficult to what character should be escaped and not, it’s near impossible to be honest.

    Best regards,


    I see that in my original post, your site converted the & lt; to a <. I’ve edited that now to make it more clear.

    Rikard, isn’t the & lt; code an escaped version of the < sign? The WordPress default editor on another site without Enfold handles this perfectly. & lt; test & gt; is always shown as <test> in the post and as & lt; test & gt; in the editor, even after changes. It never breaks. It’s just the Advanced Layout Builder (or Enfold) that breaks things. In my opinion, ALB/Enfold uses html_entity_decode() somewhere where it shouldn’t, but I suppose you guys see that different and think it’s impossible to do this correctly?



    I am not sure we can handle that request to be honest, as there is always a reason of why to output stuff in different ways.

    I will try push the request forward and let you know if that can fixed somehow. :-)

    Thanks a lot for the patience and understanding

    Best regards,



    this seems to be a bigger problem that I expected. I will not add the fix for this with the next update since it would require to change and test multiple core functions of the builder but will see if I can fix it with one of the next updates when I got more time for testing…

    Best regards,


    I know this is an old thread, but I just encountered this issue so apparently there hasn’t been a fix yet. Here’s my workaround that seems to do what I need. Wrap the text in the cell in a span tag and give it a class like so:
    <span class="html_less_than">4</span>
    Then in CSS just do the following:
    .html_less_than:before { content: '<'; }

    I found doing it this way doesn’t break the editor and you can continue updating the page without constantly going back to fix the table data.


    Hi @armortech,

    Thanks for sharing, much appreciated :-)

    Best regards,


    Thanks for sharing your solution!
    It’s a pity it hasn’t been addressed by the support here. I’ve stopped using Enfold for new sites because of this.


    Hi @netb,

    Sorry to hear that, maybe you will come back?

    Best regards,


    I’ve encountered the exact same issue.
    Using a “less than” character breaks the table and partly shortcodes are being rendered on the frontend.
    Has there been any progress on this?

    I’m sure you’re very busy, but this bug was reported 2015 and unfortunately it is still not fixed… this is quite disappointing.

    Best regards,



    Using special HTML characters is a known problem that cannot be solved without the risk of breaking other things.

    As this is not often needed we created a plugin where you replace the special characters:

    The translation list is here:

    If you need more characters you can use the filter avia_special_characters_translations.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Günter.

    Thank you, Günter!
    I’m aware that there’s a lot under the hood that you need to take into consideration making changes.
    This workaround is fine to me, hopefully anyone who’s in need for a fix stumbles across your answer.

    Best regards,



    Glad this fix helps you.

    Enjoy the theme and feel free to come back when you need further assistance.

    Best regards,

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