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  • #315957


    Since I upgraded to WordPress 4.0 today the theme is not working properly.

    I can not access the “Enfold Layout Builder” anymore. The wheel just keeps spinning.
    And I cannot add images to my posts anymore.

    I have tried deactivating all plugins. No luck. I have made no changes in the code of the theme today. Not even the CSS. It just stopped working.

    Any suggestions to what I should do? After som research on this matter a lot of people are having the same issues but they have a plugin called Comprehensive Google Map Plugin installed. This not something you are using in the theme?

    Best regards,



    I am having the same problem as Cami. Looking forward to any help you can provide!




    Same here.


    Hey guys,

    I updated to Enfold 2.9.2 and it appears as if all the issues have been resolved. Hope you have the same luck!




    Thank you stjosephs.

    However I have done the stupid thing and not made a child theme.. So I don’t dare to upgrade the theme.
    I would like to know if this can be fixed anyway.



    If you have not made any changes on theme files, you can just go ahead and update the theme –



    @Yigit Unfortunately I have made changes to the css-files.

    I am trying to make a child theme of it instead now tho. However the child theme does not show my custom styling.
    I have the css folder and the files in it in my new child theme. Can’t figure out why it is not working. Any suggestions?



    Where have you made your css changes? You can copy them into Style.css file of your child theme.
    If you have made CSS changes in Quick CSS field and did not change the theme name, they will remain the same after the update so you do not need to worry about that as well.




    I made the changes to the css-files I’m afraid. But after some thinking I feel like it is better if I migrate to a child theme now, in case something happens again.

    Should I start a new thread about my child theme not showing my custom styles?



    So to copy&paste your custom CSS code to Style.css file of your child theme does not work for you?
    Have you downloaded pre-built child theme here – ?
    Do you mind creating a temporary admin login and posting it here?

    Best regards,



    I created the child theme folder.
    Added style.css to it.
    Imported the style.css from the parent theme also.

    Then I copied the css folder from the parent theme that I first edited. The folder contains layout.css, base.css etc.. (I have made changes to those files).
    I thought that would override the css folder from the current parent theme, but it does not.

    Sorry I cannot provide login since the site is not launched yet =/

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by st0ckh0lm.

    I have found that the easiest way is to download the one click child theme plugin, click appearance and you will see the option added. Fill in the info for your child them, click create, and away you go. Next you will have to click the button in the theme editor that says I see you are using a child theme…… This will migrate your css/settings over to the child theme.




    I am losing my mind here. Why is it so hard making a child theme on the Enfold theme?

    I created a new child theme with the “One click child theme” plugin from the new updated Enfold theme. All good.

    Created a functions.php and added the code from the the Yigit sent.

    But how do I transfer my styles from base.css, layout.css, custom.css from my old theme? I thought I could just add those edited files to my child theme and they would override the files in the parent theme?


    Okey, got it to work now.

    I have to have all css in the style.css file. Which sucks because it becomes endless. But at least it works.
    This will be a lesson for me to remember to always make a child theme..

    Thanks guys for your help!


    I am having the same problem as others after wordpress 4 upgrade, ie spinning wheel of death. I have used ftp filezilla to upload enfold 2.9.2 and in the remote site side of filezilla it looks like this has been successful. however on my wordpress dashboard>themes>enfold it still says version 2.9.1. i have tried flushing cache, reinstalling wordpress 4, two different browsers, and tried going through dashboard>enfold>theme options>theme update, but it says “no updates available. you are running the latest version! Great!” i try “check manually” but this just takes me to the dashboard>wordpress updates page.
    I have been reading the forums and spent most of yesterday tying to get this to work but am at a loss as to what to try next. I am fairly new to wordpress so there may be a “reset” button somewhere that i am not aware of, or some simple trick to get enfold to update but just dont know what it is.
    could do with some help



    by the way, all plugins updated and deactivated



    I didn’t see the update for Enfold in my admin until I entered my Themeforest purchase code or something in a section of the Enfold theme options. It was only after I did that, that the update for the theme popped up.

    Hope this helps.




    and @rgbozeat glad it is working fine for you now and @stjosephs thank you for helping!
    Let us know if you have any other questions or issues

    Best regards,

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