Tagged: updates
Hi. I have problems with the lastest update from enfold. Due envato policy with the downloads, you cannot download an item over 50 times in total. So for me, I reached that limit (every update I download it 3 times, 1 for backup, 1 for testing environment and 1 for production site).
Envato didn’t answer me or give me any solution. Can you, please?
Thank you.
Hi Pedro!
Please refer to the following article https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/202821300
However, as stated in the Envato knowledgebase, if you require access beyond these limits, please contact Envato support here – http://support.envato.com/index.php?/Tickets/Submit
There is not anything we can do about Envato rules unfortunately.
Best regards,
Hi Arvish, I’ve already read that article and submit the ticket, and they didn’t answer, I will keep waiting.
Anyways, there is no way to find another solution to get updates, without envato?
Unfortunately, we cannot assist here.