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  • #579878

    I have directory in my child theme for “includes” and inside I have helper-main-menu.php to make some tweaks there. Works find. I am trying to do the same with helper-social-media.php but it does not look like that file is being recognized. ( I am trying to add some prefix text to the social bookmark links )


    Hi thatryan!

    What’s the exact change your trying to do?

    Best regards,


    in thmes/child-theme/includes/helper-social-media.php
    in the build_icon() function, around line 82,

    $html  = "";
    $html .= "<".$this->args['inside']." class='".$this->args['class']."_".$icon['social_icon']." av-social-link-".$icon['social_icon']." social_icon_".$this->counter."'>";
    $html .= "<a {$blank} href='".$icon['social_icon_link']."' ".av_icon_string($icon['social_icon'])." title='".ucfirst($icon['social_icon'])."'><span class='avia_hidden_link_text'>".ucfirst($icon['social_icon'])."</span></a>";
    $html .= "</".$this->args['inside'].">";
    return $html;

    I am trying to add a span and some text right before the <ul> gets output.

    $html  = "";
     $html .= "<span>Follow Us: </span>";


    Are you trying to make these changes from Appearance > Editor > functions.php

    If so make sure the folder and file has writable permission set on it as well.

    for more info please check https://codex.wordpress.org/Changing_File_Permissions

    Another alternative is to make changes via FTP and upload the file to server.

    Vinay Kashyap

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Vinay.

    No I am changing it in my child theme via sFTP.
    Same way I have done everything else, so it is not a permissions issue.



    I’m sorry but you can’t override a helper function inside a child theme. The override will only work for template files such as the header.php, loops, templates etc. If you really need to do this in a child theme, copy the whole “avia_social_media_icons” class in the functions.php. Or use javascript / jQuery.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    I’m also trying to override a helper php file in my child theme. How can I make sure the file in child the overrides the parent enfold version? I found a post that refers to putting something in functions.php?

    Best regards,



    You need to copy the whole function or class in the child theme’s functions.php file in order to override the parent function.

    Best regards,

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