I get a blank page….
I cleared the cache and get the same result
Hey kenwae,
You are getting a 500 internal server error, could you try contacting your hosting provider to see if they can help you restore the site maybe?
Best regards,
I will contact them and see what they can do. But, that 500 internal server error showed up when I changed the name on the W3 Cache plug in as suggested by a previous poster. After I returned to the original name, the server error disappeared and was again left with what I started this thread with, a blank page upon going to the log in page. So, I go to log in at …../wp-admin, and get this url, with a blank page:
My hosting service was able to fix the problem, which was W3 Total Cache, and Brute Force Protection plug ins. Recommended to disable those prior any update to 4.7
Glad it’s fixed! and thank you for sharing your solution with us :)
Happy Holidays!!
Best regards,