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  • #1245820

    Hello, I’m trying (unsuccessfully so far) to install the Hotel demo in a new installation to show to a client. I’ts been three days and I cannot get past the message “Importing didn’t work! You might want to try reloading the page and then try again”
    I had tried before on the real website and not a staging one, but I gave up, so I created a subdomain, installed a fresh copy of WordPress and tried again, to no avail.
    Credentials are sent in the Private content section below.
    Please help, thanks.


    Hey danielsami,

    Thanks for giving us admin access.
    I tried doing manual import but it returns 500 Internal Server Error
    Can you try to check if there’s some error_log that shows any information regarding the error?
    Also, try to increase the PHP time limit from 120 to 240 then Max input time to 300?
    Please also try the solutions posted on this article:

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,

    I still cannot install the demo.Please see the private information area.

    The website is running PHP 7.4 and these are the PHP parameters:

    upload_max_filesize = 128M
    post_max_size = 128M
    memory_limit = 256M
    max_execution_time = 600
    max_input_time = 300
    max_input_vars = 2000

    I’ll be waiting for your input.
    Thank you,


    Forgot to say that I installed the File Manager plugin just in case it helps finding the problem. Thanks.


    Hi danielsami,

    Thanks, I tried it again however I’m still getting the same error.
    Most common issue with this is increasing memory limit, however it with the number of plugins installed 256MB should be more than enough.
    I’m not also very familiar with PCRE JIT but it may be the key to resolving the issue.
    I don’t think the issue could be resolved quickly since the cause is hard to figure out and most likely some issues with server settings, would it be okay if we just add the pages manually instead?

    Best regards,

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