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  • #881354


    I would like to add a datepicker outside of the contacts form element. I know that jQuery-UI is only loaded when a contact form element is on a page, so I take care of that manually.

    If I add another input field with class=”avia_datepicker”, it should also become a datepicker, since this code is added by Enfold:

    jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery(".avia_datepicker").datepicker({ ... });

    But I don’t know why, any element outside the contact form does not get transformed into a datepicker element. Am I missing something?

    Thanks in advance


    Hey Henning,

    Can you post a link of the page mentioned? so we can check.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,

    here’s an example on my private website (it also doesn’t work on other instances).

    As you can see, the text input above has also the class attribute “avia_datepicker”. It should also get the datepicker options because the jQuery code at the end of the site, but it doesn’t. So is there a special ingredient I am missing?

    Thanks in advance!


    Hi Henning,

    There is an error in JavaScript. And all the scripts are on the page, so it’s not clear what is causing the error.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    the JavaScript error does not have anything to do with the Datepicker. You can replicate the missing functionality on any Enfold installation.

    The question still is, how to create a datepicker element outside the contact form element.




    Remove the class “hasDatepicker” in the input field. Example:

    <input type="text" id="custom_datepicker">

    In the functions.php file, add this script.

    // custom script
    add_action( 'wp_footer', 'ava_custom_script' );
    function ava_custom_script() {
    <script type="text/javascript">
    (function($) {
    	$(document).ready(function() {
    			showButtonPanel: true,
    			changeMonth: true,
    			changeYear: true,
    			yearRange: "c-80:c+10"

    Best regards,


    Hi, I try but I get error

    (index):547 Uncaught TypeError: $(…).datepicker is not a function
    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> ((index):547)
    at i (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)
    at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)
    at Function.ready (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)
    at HTMLDocument.K (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2)



    You have to load the “jQuery-UI” library manually.

     * Enqueue the jQuery UI datepicker script
    function wpdocs_scripts_datepicker() {
        wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-ui-datepicker' );
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wpdocs_scripts_datepicker' );

    Best regards,

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