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  • #1396392

    I have the problem that I cannot activate enfold:

    Last time we checked the token we were not able to connected to Envato:
        Purchases could not be accessed
        Username could not be accessed (needed for your information only)
        E-Mail could not be accessed (needed for your information only)
    Following errors occurred:
        Purchases: Your private token is invalid.
        username Your private token is invalid.
        email Your private token is invalid.
        Purchases: A problem occurred accessing your purchases. Unable to check for updates.

    And the Code Block element shows no content…what can i do?



    Hey Hans,

    I have the problem that I cannot activate enfold:

    Please refer to this post: and generate a new Personal Token. Please make sure to check all required permissions.

    And the Code Block element shows no content…what can i do?

    Please post temporary WP admin logins and the page where we can see the issue privately.

    Best regards,


    Activation doesnt work :/

    Please see in private area


    I bought enfold via themeforest…


    Hey Yigit, is that the offical way to get support? I bought the theme some hours before and I want to go the right way…



    You are currently using the latest version of Enfold. I downgraded Enfold version on my local installation and tested your Token using the Envato Market plugin: and it works.

    I checked your Code Block element and I can see the content. I attached a screenshot in the private content field. If that is not the issue you are having, please elaborate.



    Hey Yigit,

    okay, but why do I have this error messages:

    Following errors occurred:
        username Errorcode 403 returned by Envato: Forbidden:
        - code: not_authenticated
        email Errorcode 403 returned by Envato: Forbidden:
        - code: not_authenticated

    Do I have to use the Market Plugin instead of the Enfold Theme?

    And yes, the Code Block seams to work but I have no output (see attached). Can you please tell me why?
    Please excuse the inconvenience…



    Do I have to use the Market Plugin instead of the Enfold Theme?

    Enfold’s theme updater does not work for some users, but the Envato Market plugin always works, so I recommend using it.

    And yes, the Code Block seams to work but I have no output (see attached). Can you please tell me why?

    I saved your page as a template, loaded it on a new page and it worked there. So I deleted your old homepage and replaced it with the one I created. Please review your website.

    Best regards,


    Hey Yigit,

    okay thanks for testing it. The randomness is annoying but okay…

    The code block error seems to be due to my self created page.php. I copied the page.php from enfold to my enfold-child and wrote ” /** * Template Name: tk2-news */” at the top and when I select this layout template, the code block doesn’t work. I also copied the includes/loop-page.php.
    Do you know why the code block does not work then?




    Are you using the Advance Layout Builder (ALB) to create the content? The ALB doesn’t use the page.php file. You have to create a copy of the template-builder.php file instead and convert it to a template.

    Best regards,

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