October 29, 2020 at 8:07 am #1256625
hi again,
essentially what I want to do is place an image (& a link) which sits persistently on the bottom right of the screen. much like those chat bots do, but just a simple image/link.
i’d be happy for the functionality to be similar to your scroll to the top arrow, in fact if it was able to sit just above that – that would be cool.
i currently have the image/link in the far right footer widget.
can you provide any pointers?
i’m running a child theme so am happy to add code to functions.php etc.
JasonNovember 2, 2020 at 5:15 am #1257515Hey Jason,
Sorry for the late reply and thanks for the mockup, I couldn’t quite make out your URL, but I thought one way to achieve this would be to copy the “scroll top” button and adjust the link, title, icon and color, like this:
Try adding this code to the end of your functions.php file in Appearance > Editor:function custom_script(){ ?> <script> (function($){ $(document).ready(function() { $('#scroll-top-link:first').clone().attr('href', '#3-col-intro').attr('title', 'Chat Bot').attr('id', 'chat-bot').insertAfter($('[id^=scroll-top-link]:last')); }); })(jQuery); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'custom_script');
in the code above you can change the URL
to your own.
Then add this code in the General Styling > Quick CSS field or in the WordPress > Customize > Additional CSS field:#chat-bot:before { content: "\e83c"; font-family: entypo-fontello; color: #fff; } #chat-bot { bottom: 150px; background-color: yellowgreen; position: fixed; border-radius: 2px; height: 50px; width: 50px; line-height: 50px; text-decoration: none; text-align: center; right: 50px; z-index: 1030; }
Please adjust to suit.
After applying the css, please clear your browser cache and check.Best regards,
MikeNovember 2, 2020 at 5:21 am #1257517Hi Mike,
Thanks heaps for your reply, that should work a treat, I’ll give it a shot & report back :)November 2, 2020 at 2:57 pm #1257609November 3, 2020 at 2:46 am #1257828done, works a treat. changed the css slightly to get the image in place:
#chat-bot:before { content: ""; width: 81px; height: 81px; background-size: 81px 81px; background-image: url(https://domain.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/have-your-say.png); display: inline-block; }
one thing i’d like to replicate is the fading in on scroll – like with the up arrow.
i’ll see if i can figure it out & report back – but if you know what to look for, please let me know :)November 3, 2020 at 2:01 pm #1257992Hi,
As I understand your request, you would like the “chat bot button” to only show after scroll when the “scroll top button” shows.
So in this case the “scroll top button” shows only when the class “avia_pop_class” is added, so we could watch the “scroll top button” and match classes like this:function custom_script(){ ?> <script> (function($){ $(document).one( 'scroll', function() { $('#scroll-top-link:first').clone().attr('href', '#3-col-intro').attr('title', 'Chat Bot').attr('id', 'chat-bot').insertAfter($('[id^=scroll-top-link]:last')); }); $(document).scroll(function(){ if ($('#scroll-top-link:first').hasClass('avia_pop_class')) { $('#chat-bot').addClass('avia_pop_class'); } else { $('#chat-bot').removeClass('avia_pop_class'); } }); })(jQuery); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'custom_script');
To try this script please ensure you remove the previous script first.
So for your css for this script you will want to include the class “avia_pop_class” like this:#chat-bot.avia_pop_class:before { content: "" !important; } #chat-bot.avia_pop_class { bottom: 150px; width: 81px; height: 81px; background-size: 81px 81px; background-image: url(https://static.wixstatic.com/media/f5aed6_0412643c07754b6f9791bf5d8a92e434~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_361,h_313,al_c,lg_1,q_85/HaveYourSay.webp); display: inline-block; background-color: transparent; position: fixed; border-radius: 2px; text-decoration: none; text-align: center; right: 50px; z-index: 1030; }
Best regards,
Mike -
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