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  • #963613


    I’m using the latest Enfold, WordPress and German Market versions on my website.
    I can not login on my “my-account” page at woocommerce anymore.

    Even if I disable all plugins except WooCommerce, the login fails. An error comes up with “You must acknowledge and agree to the privacy policy” which is fired by the “themes/enfold/includes/helper-privacy.php”. If I change the theme, everything is fine. I’d like to click on a “yes, I accept”, but there is nothing to click on.

    I need your help please



    Hi HypnosisPraxis!

    I fixed it by replacing line 369 in “themes/enfold/includes/helper-privacy.php”

    	    if ( isset( $_REQUEST['comment-form-av-privatepolicy'] ) ) {


    	    if ( isset( $_REQUEST['comment-form-av-privatepolicy'] ) || avia_get_option('privacy_message_login_active') != "privacy_message_login_active" ) {

    This fix will be included in the next update!



    I was referred to this ticket for resolution because I had the same issue. Although it’s unfortunate that this applies to both the login and registration forms. I would rather not use it for login form but use it for registration forms. Perhaps it could be split up in future updates.



    As far as I know Enfold doesn’t add the checkbox to the woocommerce login form. But I’ll check it again and suggest to separate these options.



    Thank you


    Thanks a lot, but it did not solve the problem.

    I have the same login – problem on another website, when I use Ultimate Member and Enfold.
    To solve the problem is to uncheck “Enfold Settings -> Append a privacy policy message to your login forms?”

    This means I need to add the privacy policy by functions.php the form. Perhaps you can solve the problem with a next update?



    My main problem is actual WooCommerce Product Reviews. I can’t write Reviews: Error: You must agree to our privacy policy to comment on this site…

    No checkbox :( This is simply missing



    Please do not post the error everywhere, we are handling the tickets, once is enough.

    Best regards,

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