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  • #1400171

    I have a page that will not load into the Avia Layout Builder to be able to edit it.

    • The ALB will not populate with the content. The other WordPress functions are responding, but the ALB pre-loader icon in the middle, just spins.
    • The ALB will open other pages to edit.
    • And, from the front-end, the page that I can’t edit still looks like the last time I could edit it ( not corrupted or lost ).
    • The page opens in WordPress customizer.
    • I’ve tried multiple browsers, clearing cache, deactivating plugins, checking for versions and updates, increased PHP values, optimized the database, reset permalinks, disabled anti-virus even.

    How do I get the ALB to recognize the content of this page?


    Hey conlcoa,
    Please include an admin login in the Private Content area and link directly to the page so we can be of more assistance.
    Did you add any javascript to the page or did you add any HTML tags to the titles such as <strong> these are typical things that can break a page.

    Best regards,


    I have not added javascript.
    I do add inline tags, but don’t remember adding to titles.
    Even so, I’ve never experienced a problem from that – glad to know.
    Sending private content.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by conlcoa.

    I see that you are getting this error:
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 () /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
    Try disabling your plugins and checking the page again, if this doesn’t help check your webhost error logs, the status of 400 is a server error.
    I was able to copy the page to my test site and it works and edits fine, so I don’t think it’s an error on the page.

    Best regards,


    I have had the hosting tech support reviewing this issue.
    They say it is an issue with the theme.
    I will send you their comments in private.


    Kriesi says it’s the host’s server.
    The Host says it’s the theme.
    All I know is, I can’t get to it to fix anything.

    I’ve put a screenshot of an inspection of the page into my Dropbox and put a link in the private content.
    Please, I really need help with this.
    If there are styles that have caused a problem, please help me get back into it to fix it.

    It works on the front end.
    It’s the ALB that can’t open it so I can’t do anything!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by conlcoa.

    You said you downloaded the page and were able to open it for edits.
    Could you open it, change something, resave it and send it to me?

    Look I’m getting desperate here – Kriesi PLEASE HELP!

    Here is where the error seems to happen
    blocks.min.js?ver=69022aed79bfd45b3b1d:10 Block validation: Block validation failed for core/shortcode
    (ObjectapiVersion: 2attributes: lock: type: “object”[[Prototype]]: Objectconstructor: ƒ Object()assign: ƒ assign()create: ƒ create()defineProperties: ƒ defineProperties()defineProperty: ƒ defineProperty()entries: ƒ entries()freeze: ƒ freeze()fromEntries: ƒ fromEntries()getOwnPropertyDescriptor: ƒ getOwnPropertyDescriptor()getOwnPropertyDescriptors: ƒ getOwnPropertyDescriptors()getOwnPropertyNames: ƒ getOwnPropertyNames()getOwnPropertySymbols: ƒ getOwnPropertySymbols()getPrototypeOf: ƒ getPrototypeOf()hasOwn: ƒ hasOwn()is: ƒ is()isExtensible: ƒ isExtensible()isFrozen: ƒ isFrozen()isSealed: ƒ isSealed()keys: ƒ keys()length: 1name: “Object”preventExtensions: ƒ preventExtensions()prototype: {constructor: ƒ, __defineGetter__: ƒ, __defineSetter__: ƒ, hasOwnProperty: ƒ, __lookupGetter__: ƒ, …}seal: ƒ seal()setPrototypeOf: ƒ setPrototypeOf()values: ƒ values()Symbol(entries): ƒ (b)Symbol(fromEntries): ƒ (b)Symbol(values): ƒ (b)arguments: (…)caller: (…)[[Prototype]]: ƒ ()[[Scopes]]: Scopes[0]hasOwnProperty: ƒ hasOwnProperty()isPrototypeOf: ƒ isPrototypeOf()propertyIsEnumerable: ƒ propertyIsEnumerable()toLocaleString: ƒ toLocaleString()toString: ƒ toString()valueOf: ƒ valueOf()__defineGetter__: ƒ __defineGetter__()__defineSetter__: ƒ __defineSetter__()__lookupGetter__: ƒ __lookupGetter__()__lookupSetter__: ƒ __lookupSetter__()__proto__: (…)get __proto__: ƒ __proto__()set __proto__: ƒ __proto__()text: {type: ‘string’, source: ‘html’}[[Prototype]]: Objectcategory: “widgets”description: “Insert additional custom elements with a WordPress shortcode.”edit: ƒ e(t)icon: {src: {…}}keywords: []name: “core/shortcode”providesContext: {}save: ƒ (e)styles: []supports: {className: false, customClassName: false, html: false}title: “Shortcode”transforms: {from: Array(1)}usesContext: []variations: [][[Prototype]]: Object).


    I enabled the Avia Layout Builder Debugger that shows the Enfold Shortcode Parser and it shows 3 errors on the page:
    but unfortunately the parser won’t automatically repair and when I try to manually repair the changes are not saved.
    The copy of the page on my site shows no errors so I created a new page on your site and the backend opened with no errors:
    please try this page linked below.

    Best regards,


    THANK YOU, MIKE !!! It took a moment, but your page opened up.
    Is there anything I did that might have caused that?
    What should I watch for or avoid in the future?


    Glad to hear, the error above pointed towards the block editor, if you try to edit the same page with both the Advanced Layout Builder & the WordPress Block Editor, this may cause errors, your version of Enfold doesn’t need the plugin Classic Widgets so I disabled it, it was needed for only one version.
    I switched your default WordPress editor to the Classic Editor in the theme settings at Enfold Theme Options ▸ Select Your Editor ▸ Use WP Classic Editor I see Elementor classes in the shortcode of the page but I don’t see the Elementor plugin, please don’t mix Elementor & Enfold and I would not recommend using any Block Editor “Blocks” in a ALB page. The Elementor classes are not an issue so don’t worry about them, I saying if there was Elementor functions or javascript that may be an issue, I didn’t see any on your page, but seeing anything Elementor makes me want to point it out.
    You site still seems to load the backend of the page slower than mine and I see in WordPress ▸ Dashboard ▸ Tools ▸ Site Health ▸ Info ▸ Server that your PHP memory limit is 1G, so that looks good, but in WordPress ▸ Dashboard ▸ Tools ▸ Site Health ▸ Info ▸ WordPress Constants the WP_MEMORY_LIMIT is 40M, where mine is 64M, the page you are building is quite large so perhaps this is an issue? I don’t know for sure.
    I did find some stray brackets in your css on the page:
    I removed them, please try to avoid this.

    Best regards,


    Hmm. I avoid the block editor religiously – really don’t like it when there’s Enfold :)
    Elementor classes probably got into the text areas when I copied text content from their other site into ALB. I kept cleaning it up, but probably missed some. Regardless, I’m not using Elementor.
    I’ll have to find out where/how to increase the WP_MEMORY_LIMIT.

    Again, thank you.
    I’m fixing to get back on it and hope my client can live with the delay.
    We’ve missed some deadlines. :(

    Thank you.


    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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