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  • #1102465

    Is it safe to delete _aviaLayoutBuilderCleanData in postmeta table?


    Hey debra15,

    No, please leave it there in the database since it’s needed.
    You can refer on Kriesi’s answer on this thread:

    Best regards,


    I hate to say it but this record in the postmeta table is redundant. There is a specific process that is well documented to avoid the autop method in the wp_posts content entries and it appears that enfold is simply unaware of this and not using it correctly.



    Thanks for your input!

    I have shared your messages with our devs :)

    Best regards,



    I heard back from our devs. They have worked on a fix for this however it was not added because Kriesi and our devs decided it was too risky as it could break something else. Main concerns are special characters and broken HTML (many users use invalid HTML and that breaks ALB). For special characters, we have a plugin – however we do not have a solution for broken HTML so far. So it is still needed.



    1. why aren’t you guys sanitizing/accommodating the special characters in your saving process?
    2. why aren’t you spitting back the changes that the users are using, and highlighting the special characters so they can make changes?
    3. or, why aren’t you notifying the users of special characters as they create the page??

    You should be using a discovery process here, and your shortcode parser should be more robust here. This is why other page builders are more successful and why I use other page builders with all of my other clients. I am stuck using this theme due to the client’s willingness to learn something different.

    First: you notify and block all special characters as they enter them.
    Second: you allow people to send recommendations for specific characters they need, this will happen a lot at the beginning, and less over the course of time.

    You should be building your code in iterations that instead of trying to accommodate all of them at the beginning.
    By slowly adding them over time, you allow yourself to acclimate to the special characters that people use.



    Thanks a lot for your input and suggestions.

    I checked with our dev team again and they will try to implement proposed steps in future development stages if possible. But for the time being, we can only ask our users to use the workaround we provided for special characters.


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