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  • #1474868


    I am using latest WordPress and Enfold theme and have had an issue ever since installing Enfold. I am using Classic Editor for editing pages, posts and customs posts from other plugins. For some reason every time I hit save-button, the page/post is saved but immediately after there is a draft created… So it doesn’t matter how many times I save a page/post, if I re-visit the editor for that page/post there is a message that there is a newer version of this page/post available.

    I tried disabling all plugins and changed to default wordpress theme and the fault is gone. I enabled all plugins with wordpress default theme and the fault is gone. Only when I switch to Enfold-theme this issue is back.

    So why aren’t I able save pages/posts correctly without having a auto-draft created?



    Where can we see and reproduce the problem that you are having?

    Best regards,


    Can you send me email address and I will share temporary login credentials with you. This is a live site, so you can’t do to much changes or debug it heavily, but at least you can see the issue.

    Best regards,



    You can use the email in private, just remember to post the login details in private in your next reply.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thanks for that. I’m not sure that I fully understand the problem you are having though, since auto save is a core WordPress function. It’s not theme specific. Could you share a screenshot or screencast highlighting what you are seeing on your end please? Note that we haven’t seen any problem with saving pages or posts using the version that you are running, and we haven’t had any user reports about it either.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thanks for the clarification. This is not theme functionality like I wrote earlier, it’s a core WordPress feature. Are you using the Classic Editor on your other sites? If you want to disable that feature, then you can try following this:

    Best regards,


    Yes I do understand that this is a WordPress feature, BUT something with Enfold is disturbing this feature so it always is creating an auto-draft after every save. As you can see in the images, the auto-draft is always created just seconds after each save. If I change to default theme this no longer happens.
    And yes I use Classic editor on all sites and none has this problem except the site with Enfold. Have never seen this issue with any other theme. So I am curious on what in Enfold that triggers this to happen on each save. I have heard of people having issues like this when there is some dashboard widgets being reloaded on each save which triggers pages/posts to create this auto-draft. But as I have ruled out anything else but Enfold, there is obviously something in Enfold that triggers an issue to create an auto-draft after each save. Would really be glad to find out if it is a setting in Enfold that is behind this or what it can be.



    You can set your own auto-save time interval by changing your wp-config.php file, please refer to this:

    Best regards,


    Hi again.

    I am about to give up now. Have tried to explain the issue several times now and you don’t seem to read what I write as you respond as if you didn’t read my replies at all but only skimmed through the text.
    First I already have that interval set and it works just fine IF I don’t use Enfold theme. But as stated many times now in my replies, something with Enfold is triggering this feature to not work as intended.

    Do you have any others working with support in this forum? Maybe you can hand this over to someone that can read and understand the issue I am facing?



    Thanks for being so polite, I’ll ask the other moderators to have a look at your problem.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for your patience, but unfortunately the login is not working now. We are not able to reproduce this on our install and the Dev Team writes that the theme doesn’t alter this behavior. If you are using any plugins that clear the WP database or transients, you could try disabling these for 24 hours and check again, or perhaps it is a server cache or other server setting.

    Best regards,



    Yeah, I disabled the login as I didn’t know if I would get any help. But have enabled it now if you would like to check it out.

    So to sum up what I have done to try to debug this:
    1. I disabled ALL plugins including Litespeed Cache = issue still there = plugin conflict ruled out

    2. Changed to WordPress default theme = Issue is gone

    3. Changed back to Enfold theme = Issue is back. And this is with only Enfold enabled and nothing else in the WordPress install.

    So my issue is clearly connected to Enfold, but maybe in a way that obviously only affects me. Maybe there is a setting in Enfold that creates this. Or maybe there is something in the WordPress install for my specific situation that creates an issue with WordPress.

    Would really like to solve this, as I went from another paid theme to your theme, as I read very positive reviews. And I do like your theme very much, but this is killing me slowly, as all posts/pages always have an auto-saved version and the drafts keeps on piling up and I need to clear them from Litespeed cache’s toolbox all the time.


    I tested by saving your homepage and then viewed the frontend, then went back to the backend and there was no message that a auto draft was saved, as in your opening post and screenshot.
    I’m not sure why you are having this issue.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Thank you for your patience, the Dev Team writes that when checking the revisions it seems that the title on your site is causing this, but it is not reproduceable on a local install, this can be ignored or use a plugin to Disable Autosave.
    The only plugin that I found was Disable Gutenberg Autosave, but you are not using Gutenberg so it doesn’t seem to help you. I added this code to your Snippets plugin:

    add_action( 'admin_init', 'disable_autosave' );
    function disable_autosave() {
    wp_deregister_script( 'autosave' );

    and used your WP DB Cleaner plugin to remove past auto saves and saved a page and a post and checked back many times and checked your WP DB Cleaner plugin to see if any was added, but none were.
    Please check.

    Best regards,


    Please also note that I disabled your Disable Gutenberg plugin as this is not needed, the theme already has this setting in the Enfold Theme Options ▸ Select Your Editor option.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike.
    Thanks for you patience with this and your investigation, this is how support should work. Even though the reason was not revealed I appreciate your solution anyway.
    Yeah I noticed that too about the auto-saves only contained the change of title for the page/post even though the title was exactly the same. I am so curious on what it is WordPress sees as changing. Curious if this is some database issue, but I will leave it for now as I at least won’t be seeing the auto-saves anymore.

    Appreciate your effort once again, customer service at its best!


    Thanks for your feedback, I nor the Dev Team could reproduce this so it is hard for us to investigate further. I’m glad that this solution is working for you.
    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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