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  • #1476944

    i don`t know what happend but every time i when i make a change on the “Home” side comes an error window that there ist a problem on the website. The changes are there. You have any idea?

    Many regards rixi


    Hey rixi,

    What kind of error are you seeing? Could you share server error logs with us?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Es gab einen kritischen Fehler auf dieser Website. Prüfe bitte den Posteingang deines Website-Administrators auf Anweisungen. Wenn du weiterhin Probleme hast, wende dich bitte an die Support-Foren.
    Erfahre mehr über die Problembehandlung in WordPress.



    Thanks for the update. Could you share server error logs with us?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    i just saw that the memory limit was to much. Changed it and now it is ok :)

    Thank you for your help!!!

    Many regards rixi



    Thanks for the update. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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