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    is it possible to display a button to the right of some text? Because every time I try to put a button behind a text row in Standard Editor, the button jumps to the next line.

    All your help is really much appreciated.

    Have a great day!

    Best regards,


    Hey Sophie,

    That is not possible by default unless you use layout elements from the builder, so you will likely need custom CSS. Could you post a link to the page in question so that we can take a closer look please?

    Best regards,



    Hey Rikard,

    yes of course, please kindly find a link to the page in question in private content box. Above the recipe you will find the grey bordered button named “Tipps & Hinweise”. The button should be displayed in all my recipe posts. Would be great if you could help.

    Wish for you a great day!

    Kind regards,


    is it only one button in that text-block ?


    Hi Guenni007,

    yes, it’s some text in Standard Editor with a button (with an anchor link in it) to the right of the text like:

    Please find some more info under [av_button label='yummy pasta' link='manually,#example' link_target='' size='medium' position='center' label_display='' icon_select='yes' icon='ue81f' font='entypo-fontello' color='dark' custom_bg='#444444' custom_font='#ffffff' av_uid='av-b4b97' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''].

    Hope this helps :-) .

    Best regards,


    Hi Sophie,

    Thanks for that. So it’s the last button at the bottom of the text? If so then please try to add this to the last paragraph:

    <p style="display:inline;">Your content here</p>

    Then you can activate the Show element options for developers option under Enfold->Layout Builder, then add a class to the button element, for instance inline.

    Then add this to Quick CSS:

    .inline {

    Best regards,


    just brainstorming again …


    deleted …


    Hi Rikard,

    thank you for your help, it is really working when using your code

    <p style="display:inline;">Your content here</p>

    but without using the CSS

    .inline {

    Unfortunately I did not bear in mind that I will get a larger line height when using a button next to a text row. I assume this is a normal behavior?

    Best regards,



    Yea, you can always try to add a height:12px !important; for example, to get the size get smaller.
    Have you tried that?

    Best regards,


    Hi Basilis,

    no, I did not try that. Can you tell where to add the height exactly?

    Thank you in advance.

    Kind regards,


    Hi Sophie,

    Can you try to add this html code instead of the button element:

    <a href="link_here" class="avia-button avia-color-dark avia-position-right"><span class="avia_button_icon" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="avia_iconbox_title">Button</span></a>

    Then replace link_here with the right link and Button with the text you want to appear inside the button.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,

    awesome, that looks much better :-) . Thank you for your help. I think you can close this topic out now.

    Wish for you a great day!

    Kind regards,



    Great, thanks for the feedback. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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