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  • #1231363


    Hope you’re great, and look forward to new enfold updates soon :)

    We’ve gone back to basics.. =>
    and really have one query.. that we had hoped would have been made into the main theme by now

    The styling of the full width buttons is very limited.
    We can just choose the colour inside the theme.

    So two things we want to be able to do:
    1) For the main button – set it to be transparent / or alter the transparency (in normal state) ..
    2) Be able to give it a border – and set border colour, width and roundness
    3) Be able to set the transparency / alter transparency for hover..
    4) Be able to set the border – colour, width and roundness for hover

    This is fairly normal now.. and hope you can add this to the theme soon.
    The buttons are one element which if improved would really help the theme

    For this specific example.. We’d like to have

    => transparent with white border in normal state
    => Able to set the background colour to a colour on hover – maybe dark blue / black or the blue as is..

    Can you help?

    We’ve tried different button plugins but not found one we like and works properly yet
    and the css hero plugin also not working well with enfold


    being able to do more modern button styles also userful
    e.g. shadows etc.. down the line..


    I was able to max a version using an external plugin.

    but it’s kinda been hacked
    and we would ideally just do this using Enfold..
    and sure others would find this useful too..



    Thanks for the feedback. I’ll forward your request to see if that is something that they can add for the fullwidth buttons. If you need help with custom CSS then please let us know.

    Best regards,


    Yes .. you’re suggested custom css / best enfold approach to do this now .. appreciated

    Aware the buttons have lots of layers / selectors and gets confusing ..

    Be good to know how to do it

    1) for all buttons
    2) for a specific one

    We’ve tried some of the code snippets before and didn’t work ideally



    Most of the setting for buttons can be set under Enfold->Advanced Styling. If you should need more specific styling then you can add a class to it in the Advanced tab of the element options. The button can then be targeted with CSS like this:

    .my-custom-button .avia-button {
      Your CSS goes here

    Best regards,

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