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  • #728076


    I am trying to build 3 columns and have a image with some bullet points to the right and a button below (see mockup). However, I am having the following issues:

    1- Bullets are not showing up

    2- My button is very big (although I have selected the “small” button size)

    3- Also at the very top of that column, there is an extra horizontal line across which I would like to remove.

    Please take a look at my screenshot for more clarifications.

    Live Site –

    Mockup –


    Hey navindesigns,

    Unfortunately it would require quite some time and customization of the theme to achieve this, so I am sorry to tell you that this is not covered by our support. However if its really important for you to get this done, you can always hire a freelancer to do the job for you :)

    Best regards,


    I am a little confuse why this will require customizations. Have you read my issues clearly? These are standard theme issues.

    I am trying to build 3 columns and have an image with some bullet points to the right and a button below (see mockup). However, I am having the following issues:

    1- Bullets are not showing up

    2- My button is very big (although I have selected the “small” button size)

    3- Also at the very top of that column, there is an extra horizontal line across which I would like to remove.

    Please take a look at my screenshot for more clarifications.

    Live Site –

    Mockup –

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by navindesigns.


    1.) Please use this code inside Quick CSS field:

    img.size-medium.wp-image-315.alignleft {
    left: -10px;

    2.) Use this code:

    .avia-button-wrap span.avia_iconbox_title {
    font-size: 12px;

    and adjust as needed.

    3.) Use this code inside Quick CSS field:

    div#av_section_1 {
    display: none;

    For next time please use different tickets for different questions/issues.

    Best regards,


    Thanks. Few things.

    1- I would have to add a new css for every magazine cover I use on that page and change “wp-image-315” to the new image? Is that correct?

    2- That worked but now it changed all the font sizes on other buttons across the site,
    eg –
    That should look like this instead –

    Is there a way to only affect the size on that page?

    3- when I apply that CSS, all the contents are gone. Please double check that one.

    Thanks for all your help



    1.) Please turn on the custom css class field so that you can specify a unique css selector for the elements where you want to apply the modification.

    2.) Again, you can turn on the custom css class field.

    3.) Please remove the css then edit the color section. Disable the “Section Top Border Styling” settings.

    Best regards,


    1- You still did not answer my question about “I would have to add a new css for every magazine cover I use on that page and change “wp-image-315” to the new image? Is that correct?”

    2- what would be the class name in the css?

    .avia-button-wrap span.avia_iconbox_title {
    font-size: 12px;

    Would it be something like this?
    Custom Css Class = magazinebutton
    Quick Css code – .avia-button-wrap span.avia_iconbox_title.magazinebutton {
    font-size: 12px;

    Is that correct?


    any update please?



    please open new ticket for each question/issue, this is getting confusing for us and other people trying to search for help in our forum.

    1.) No you don’t, if you want to use same css code for magazine elements then use the same unique css class.

    2.) Simply try:

    .magazinebutton {
    font-size: 10px;

    However, I can’t open your website to inspect the elements in question. It simply doesn’t load.

    Best regards,


    I am sorry but the button font size is still very big on this page

    I have added the “magazinebutton” custom css class (screenshot – ) and added the following to quick css
    .magazinebutton {
    font-size: 10px !important;

    and my button font size is still very big

    Thanks for your patience with this one.



    Please try this as well:

    .magazinebutton .avia_iconbox_title {
      font-size: 10px !important;

    Best regards,


    Thanks. That works! Few other minor things on that page

    1- The three gray boxes and slightly indented. How do I remove the indentation? so it left aligns with the copy above (“GREAT BEGINNINGS…” and “…is our twice yearly magazine that shares with current,”) – SEE SCREENSHOT

    2- The magazine cover thumbnail image is too close to the edge. How do I move that to the right a little so it aligns with “SPRING 2016” and “WHAT’S INSIDE” which are above. – SEE SCREENSHOT

    3- I am unable to remove the extra white space above the 3 boxes. I have tried -50 white space separator but it is still there. – SEE SCREENSHOT

    Screenshot –
    Live Page –



    1.) use this code inside Quick CSS field:

    .flex_column.av_one_third.flex_column_div.first.avia-builder-el-5.el_before_av_one_third.avia-builder-el-first {
    margin-left: 0px;

    2.) Use this code:

    img.size-medium.wp-image-315.alignleft {
    margin-left: 9px;

    3.) This one:

    #av_section_2 {
    margin-top: -50px;

    Best regards,


    so all the alignments are PEFECT now

    only issue now is that the bullets are missing :(

    here is my code




    try this one:

    .avia_textblock.magtext ul {
    width: 87%;
    left: 7%;
    position: relative;

    Adjust if needed.

    Best regards,

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