I have a 100% height color section with 2 columns (1 text and 1 image), and beneath the content i have a button row.
Now i want to stick the button row to the bottom of the color section.
If i use the following code (color section css class) all content will be on the bottom of the color section.
Content alignment
#section-content-bottom .container .content {
vertical-align: bottom;
I want only the button row on bottom, so i tried the following code with no luck.
/* Pill shape buttons */
.my-custom-button-row .avia-button {
border-radius: 50px;
border: 1px solid #070707 !important;
min-width: 20px!important;
vertical-align: bottom;
Any ideas?
THX Freek
Hey Freek,
Could you post a link to where we can see the results you are getting please?
Best regards,
I figured it out myself.
I use a custom css class with name “my-custom-button-row” with the following CSS code:
.my-custom-button-row {
position: absolute !important;
bottom: 0 !important;
Works for me. Case closed!
THX Freek