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  • #1421206

    Hi. I have a few buttons on my site and they all seem to be experiencing the same issue. When I click on them they keep taking back to the homepage, where they are located. I have tried linking to a page as well as a custom url and they never update. I have purged cache on my server and in all the browsers I have tested it in. Nothing seems to help.

    Any ideas what may be happening? I am using the Parallax theme

    Thank You
    ~ JP


    Hey IDS,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The href attribute value of the buttons is missing. Please check the link settings of the button elements.

    <a href="" class="avia-button av-2gizj2-9b9f32d55bd4a79627545c32a25e3184 avia-icon_select-no avia-size-large avia-position-center av-icon-on-hover"><span class="avia_iconbox_title">Learn more</span><span class="avia_button_background avia-button avia-color-theme-color-highlight"></span></a>

    Did you add any scripts to the site recently?

    Best regards,

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