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  • #1469794

    I’m working on the top orange button here:

    The orange “button” opens the YouTube link into a YouTube page. I want to have the button open the video ( )in a light box.

    I’m totally flummoxed. If you could help you’ll be my hero!


    Hey bradmon,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The theme should automatically detect YouTube videos and open them in a lightbox, provided that the Enfold > Theme Options > Lightbox Modal Window option is enabled. Please check if this option is active.

    Best regards,


    do not use the url as link but – as watch link ( by the way youtube itself changed the url to that.)

    By the way: As long as it is not mandatory to specify this si parameter for a link, I would not use it.
    on my opinion it is a “tracking” code and is Source Identifier. WHY?


    Great tip on the YouTube link. Thank you!


    Thanks Ismael, Well… Dang. Now it is working perfectly.
    I didn’t change anything other than the details of the Youtube Link. Ug…

    Is my button set up correctly?
    THANK YOU!!!

    (I’m a bit of a rookie…thanks for your help!). — Brad

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by bradmon.


    Thanks for the update. The button and video are working as expected on my end, so I think the button is set up correctly :-)

    Best regards,

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