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  • #587977

    Hi guys!!!

    I wanted to apply the same treatment you gave me for the Menu button Gradient to other buttons (on the slider and on the body and on the forms) but I don’t seem to be able to get it right. I know I am doing something wrong.

    By looking at many tickets from other people I was able to adjust so many things, which is awesome but this one is killing me :( Looking at the code, trying to figure it out… but nothing :(

    What am I doing wrong?

    Thank you so much for all your help!!! You are the very best!!!! :)



    Here’s my CSS:

    /*buttons with gradient red*/
    #top #wrap_all .avia-slideshow-button .avia-button .main_color .avia-color-theme-color (
    background: #d60000;
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #d60000 0%, #000000 100%);
    background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,#d60000), color-stop(100%,#000000));
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #d60000 0%,#000000 100%);
    background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #d60000 0%,#000000 100%);
    background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #d60000 0%,#000000 100%);
    background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #d60000 0%,#000000 100%);
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr=’#d60000′, endColorstr=’#000000′,GradientType=0 );


    Hey havi!

    can you provide us a link to your site showing the button in question please? we need to be able to inspect the elements.



    Hi Andy!!

    The site is not live so I’m sending you the login to the staging area and to the WP as admin.

    Thank you soooo much!!!


    PS: Could you please also take a look at this code? I cleared the cache but it didn’t respond :( (I also looked at it on my iPhone) and you’ll see why I want to remove it. If you have an alternative solution, I’m open to new ideas. :)
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    nav.sub_menu {
    display: none;



    Please review your website now. In your custom code here, you started with a normal bracket instead of curly bracket. We fixed it

    Best regards,


    btw. here is a gradient online creator:


    Hi Yigit!!

    Thank you so much for fixing the top menu bar on mobile!!! :) There were too many items on that menu :)

    On the button, what button is it affecting? I must have the wrong button as I don’t see it giving gradient to the slider and/or the submit button on the form :( (if it would affect all the buttons except for the blue one on the menu that would be awesome!!

    Thank you soooooo much!!!


    Havi :)



    I adjusted selectors on your code a little. Please review your website now



    Wooohoooo!!!! :) Thank you, Yigit!!!!

    All I have to do now is choose the right colors and this is looking really nice!!!!! :)




    oh! no! Yigit, somehow the old code was still on my browser (even though I switched pages) and replaced your changes when I updated with the new gradient colors/code.



    You are welcome, glad if we could help :)
    Let us know if you have any other questions or issues

    Looking into it, will update the post.

    Edit: I updated it. In case you need in future, selector looks like following

    input.button,a.avia-slideshow-button.avia-button.avia-color-theme-color,#top #wrap_all .avia-slideshow-button .avia-button .main_color .avia-color-theme-color { }


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 12 months ago by Yigit.

    Thank you Yigit!!!!!!! :) They look amazing!!!!

    I think I may do the same for other websites ;) Sooooo cool!!!!!


    Havi :)


    I am missing a few other buttons… if you send me the selectors, I’ll add them myself, no problem!!! :)

    Thank you, Yigit!!!! :)



    I thought you only wanted to apply it on slider buttons and contact form buttons. Now i changed the selector to

    .avia-button.avia-color-red,input.button, #top .main_color .avia-color-theme-color { }

    and this seems to do it. Please review your website :)



    Yessss!!!! Thank you, Yigit!!! All of the buttons with the exception of the one on the Main Menu (that is blue)

    You are a genius!!!




    You are welcome, always happy to help! :)


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