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  • #771056

    There is something wrong with a full width button I have placed on my site.
    The color setting is “Theme Color” and the hover color is set to “Theme Color Subtle”

    However. It seems like the hover color it use is from the “Alternate background color” in the settings panel. Not the color that was set as “highlight color” in Enfold settings.
    It doesn’t really make sence that I have to set this color manually, now that the highlight color works correctly on menu buttons. (Hint: Look at the blue button in my menu area, it works perfectly)

    Is this an error in the theme?

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by adferger1.

    Hey adferger1,

    Just add this custom CSS code at Enfold Theme Options > General Styling > Quick CSS

    #top .avia-button-fullwidth:hover
    .avia_button_background {
      background-color: #000 !important;

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    Well… Thanks.
    But if your ask me this shouldn’t even be necessary in the first place.
    When hovering a button, it should light up with the color that I have set in the settings page as “Hover color”, just like all the other buttons do.

    I can just set the hover color manually every time I make a button.
    But I really wonder why the theme was coded like this in the first place.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by adferger1.

    Could you report this bug, and pass it on to the developers?
    The “hover color” selects the wrong color from the Enfold settings page.

    I would hate to set the hover color manually. Because if I someday decide to changes the color scheme of my website I have to go over each and every button and change the hover color manually. Stupid, since the color has already been set in the Enfold settings page.

    I hope you understand the issue..?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by adferger1.

    Hi adferger1,

    I think this was done to allow customers more control over the button, in case somebody want a way different color and if color for all buttons has to be different. So it’s hard to say if it’s a bug or a feature. Depending on how you look at it. On the other hand, you could give you buttons a specific class and target all of them via css instead of going and manually changing all buttons.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,


    How do you allow more control over the button, when the “Theme Color Subtle” setting is not giving the correct color, as specified in the Enfold Settings page?

    I have already set the “hover color” in my settings page.
    Now you want to to go over each and every button on my site to set I manually as well??? Why even have a “Hover color” option in the settings page in the first place, if it is not being used?

    Please explain to my WHY “Theme Color Subtle” is = “Alternate Background color” from the settings page…. Whyyyyyy?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by adferger1.

    Hey again.
    I just placed a pricing table on this page. As you can see the buttons work perfectly and the hover color is the same as I have set in the Enfold Settings page. The Full Width button that I have placed on the site does NOT work unless I start to type in color codes manually…

    HOW can it not be a bug???

    Come on…. Report this bug please….

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by adferger1.


    We have reported it to our devs :)



    Finally! :)
    Thanks Yigit



    You are welcome :)
    Let us know if you have any other questions or issues!



    This was not addressed in the last update.



    The previous page with the issue does not exist anymore (see private field). Please re-create the issue on a test page so that we can inspect it again.

    Best regards,


    Sorry Ismael, but I cannot do that.
    My site is a live site, and I cannot have a live page with errors for you for months.

    But it is very very simple.

    Put a button on your own demo site (Full width or normal)
    Main color: “Theme Color
    Hover color: “Theme Color Subtle” (Or the new “highlight color” that you added)

    Now look at how wrong the button looks when you hover it.

    I know my English is not the best, but I think I have explained it in a very simple way, and it should be easy to understand…


    The new “Highlight color” that has been added, actually does work. Just not in the preview window. :)


    Hi adferger1,

    Great! Glad we got it working! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

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