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  • #838752


    Use WP 4.8.1 and enfold 4.1.2
    I just updated enfold and it seems, the new burger menu, rsp. Settings are not working problerly, if I have a mix of mega menus and menus, that have ankers. The submenus don’t show up and are not klickable.

    I’m not sure if that is the problem, but I had no problems with sites, that have just “normal” menus, which links to pages, or one page sites, that have only ankers.

    As soon as I change menu from mega menu to column menus, the burger menu works. Strange thing. Need help.
    Gave you 2 links of identical sites. Under Products, you can see, that burger menu with megamenu don’t show submenus, the same structure of another site with column menus works.

    Thank you


    • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by baiker.

    Hey René,

    We are aware of the issue and our developers are working on it. Please bare with us, the solution is coming. Thank you for your patience.
    Here is a thread on the issue:

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria. Glad to here that and can’t wait. Lot’s of customer websites got problems.



    Hi René,

    For now you can set the menu to be open with all subitems.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,

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