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  • #1213038

    Good evening Folks,

    new question: how can I change the position of the burger-menu?
    Normally the b-menu-position is on the right side of the header.
    But now I want it in the middle (center) of the header-bar. How can
    I get this? I also want to change the distance of the burger-menu
    to the content-area. Please take a look at the screenshot.

    Best regards


    Hey Carsten,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    We can’t inspect the site because the access to it is forbidden. Do we need to log in?

    You can use this code in the Quick CSS field to center align the menu icon.

    .responsive #top #wrap_all .av_mobile_menu_tablet .main_menu {
    	top: 0;
    	left: auto;
    	right: 50%;
    	transform: translateX(-50%);

    Best regards,


    Hey Ismael,

    thanks for your answer. At the moment it takes a little bit time since you all
    guys answer. Do you have so much to do? I’m just asking.

    The webadress you’ve seen in the private field is just for download, it is not the
    actual site. You’ll now find the address in the p-field.

    Thanks for the new snippet…it works but not really good! Please take a look
    at the site and try the menu by your own and you’ll see it immediately. :)
    And sorry, but you only answered one part of my question(s). What’s missing
    is, how I can change the distance of the burger-menu to the content-area?

    Best regards

    PS: Hope you guys are all fine in these difficult times…stay healthy! Without
    your top-support we also can’t do our job very well!


    Hi Carsten,

    Yes, we have so much to do. We are sorry about that!

    I updated the code to following one

    .main_menu {
        width: 100%; 
        display: flex;
        justify-content: center;
    .menu-item-avia-special .av-hamburger {
        position: relative;
        top: 15px;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 990px) { 
    .menu-item-avia-special .av-hamburger {
        position: relative;
        top: 75px;

    Please review your website :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,

    thx for your answer and sorry for my late reply!
    Your snippets working fine…thx again!

    Now I’ve got further wishes, sorry. In the mobile view
    I want the burger-menu back on the right side.

    And I have a little special wish – please take a look
    at the screenshot and you’ll understand. I wanna
    change the menu-overlay in that kind you can see.
    On the example-site you can see a burger-menu
    that is nearly like that I wanna have. Hopefully it is
    not to complicated.

    Kind regards


    Hi Carsten,

    I adjusted the code in Quick CSS a bit so menu is centered on screens above 990px and on the right on screens below 990px.

    Then I went to Enfold theme options > Main Menu > Burger/Mobile Menu and chose to display “Sidebar Flyout Menu (Minimal)” and then adjusted background and menu item colors in Enfold theme options > Advanced Styling.

    Could you please review your website? :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,

    thx for your reply and new help!

    Very nice, but unfortunately not perfect. ;-) Please look again at my screenshot.
    Yes, I know that I can enable the sidebar-menu in the theme options. ;-) And it
    looks nearly like my screenshot, but only nearly. ;-) I want the “sidebar-menu“
    in the center of the page and not on the side! Just a center-menu! ;-) But still
    with that small width! And I want the text right-justified…as you can see on the
    screenshot. :-)

    I know you can do that…I count on you! :-)

    Best regards



    Sorry for the delay. The screenshot looks kind of odd. Why is the menu in the middle of the page?

    If you want to adjust the vertical position of the menu overlay, try to use this css code.

    .html_av-overlay-side .av-burger-overlay-scroll {
    	left: auto;
    	right: 10%;

    You might have to adjust the right position on different screens.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    thx also for this answer and I’m sorry also here for my late reply!

    It wasn’t odd – that was creative, because I’m an designer and designers
    must be progressive! ;-) But I recognized immediately that would not be
    easy to handle…especially in the mobile view! ;-/ And of course I’m further
    in the draftmode and because of that I decided to change it again. Now I
    switch back to the right side and reduced the burger menu on only the word.
    Please take a new look on the site and you’ll see.

    A couple of weeks ago I’ve visited a friends-website. And now I would like to
    have the same burger-menu as he has. :-) Please, take a look at his site and
    tell me – how can I create/copy this menu with the enfold-builder? That would
    be great! :-)

    Kind regards



    Glad to hear from you.

    We can only provide so much with modifications here in the forum and some requests, unfortunately, we cannot fulfill without consuming most of our time, which is also allotted for other users. And this is one of those requests. Sorry about that. You may need to hire someone else to create the custom menu, or you can always ask your friend how he/she did it. Unfortunately, this kind of modification is beyond the scope of support.

    Thank you for understanding.

    Best regards,

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