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  • #322823

    Hi, after I updated to WordPress 4.0, and the theme to 2.9.2, the Avia Layout Builders bullet list option no longer works. I deactivated all of the plug-ins and nothing fixed the issue. Any ideas what the cause is?

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Snerp.

    Hey Snerp!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Are you referring to the html list tag? Or the icon list? I tested the html code on a test post and the bullet points work fine:

    Best regards,


    I’m referring to the Avia Layout builder and the text block bulleted list option. If you where to add few lines of text in a text block, select the lines of text, and then click on the bullet list option from the Text Block editor it won’t create the bullet list.



    Can you reproduce the issue outside ALB in the default WP editor?



    No, it’s only when I use the ALB.


    Can anybody please help me with this issue?



    I couldn’t reproduce the issue, please take a look –



    Odd it’s not working for me. In fact now the ALB text box text view is placing “p” tags everywhere and no longer spacing the code correctly, it’s all bunched up with no line spaces. I switched browsers from Firefox to Chrome and now the ALB and the text box all work fine and the code looks perfect. At least that’s what I thought…. I then viewed the site on the latest Firefox and Chrome on my desktop and iPad. The tables are a mess. I have a table, one column holds an image 100px X 100px, and the other column holds text. The image is all over the map, the size either appears very tiny or it doesn’t show up at all on chrome. Yet in Firefox it’s fine.

    See the images below, they speak for themselves.

    Seems like tables responsiveness is buggered up depending on the browser. I have used this theme for at least 15 projects and never seen this before. It seems to have all started with the latest theme update 2.9.2 and wordpress 4.0



    Tables and images are a tricky matter when it comes to Firefox and Chrome, it’s not exactly a theme issue, but adding this code to Quick CSS does the fix:

    td img{
        min-width: 100px;

    That will set a minimum width to all images inside td elements.



    Ok that worked, thank you. I wish these browsers would have some kind of universal standard that at least allows websites to appear as their intended to. Such a headache for designers and their clients…Oh well it doesn’t hurt to dream :(

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Snerp.
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