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  • #218414

    Here is my categories structure:
    Category A
    + Category A_1
    + Category A_2
    + Category A_3

    Category B
    + Category B_1
    + Category B_2
    + Category B_3

    Here is my mainmenu structure:
    Menu_Link_A (A page that display a masonry blog for all the childrens of the Category A)
    + Menu_Link_A_1 (a page that display a masonry blog but only for the posts of the Category A_1)
    + Menu_Link_A_2 (a page that display a masonry blog but only for the posts of the Category A_2)
    + Menu_Link_A_3 (a page that display a masonry blog but only for the posts of the Category A_3)

    Menu_Link_B (A page that display a masonry blog for all the childrens of the Category B)
    + Menu_Link_B_1 (a page that display a masonry blog but only for the posts of the Category B_1)
    + Menu_Link_B_2 (a page that display a masonry blog but only for the posts of the Category B_2)
    + Menu_Link_B_3 (a page that display a masonry blog but only for the posts of the Category B_3)

    And now my problems…

    – I click on Menu_Link_A_1, it’s ok : i see a masonry blog with all the posts of Category A_1
    But if click on one the posts:
    — highlight active link disappears (i don’t know where i’m)
    — Breadcrumb do not show me the right path of the post i’m seeing
    — There a are links in the breadcrum tat make me go back to an Archive view but not to parent page i was before (the page with the masonry blog)

    My website is not conventional because it is as if i had as many blogs that i have main menu links…




    Can you post the link to your website please?

    Regarding the breadcrumb issue, your best bet would be to use a redirection plugin (archive page > masonry page), like:




    Right now the breadcrumb doesn’t support multiple blog pages. You can set a default blog page (Enfold > Theme Settings) which will be used for the breadcrumb path. If you don’t set it a link to the category archive page will be shown.

    Best regards,


    helle Dude and Josue

    My site is not online yet…
    But about the Breadcrumbs and as it do not works when we use pages as blogs : I removed it

    Now my only problems is the active link whis is not highlight is the main and sub menu. I think it is normal because if i’m on post page the menu can’t know that because my main menu is only related to pages !

    You gave us the possibility to build blogs inside pages (right, this is really pretry cool with masonry) but know you have to tell the mainmenu to deal with that…
    Below, a screnshot of a page of my site that display a masonry blog content with multiple categories)
    page blog
    If i click on one post entry i go into a post and the highlight activelink menu do no work, it goes to a normal color…

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by pako69.


    Try adding this code to the Quick CSS:

    .current-page-ancestor a > .avia-menu-fx {
    visibility: visible;
    opacity: 1;
    .current-page-ancestor a > .avia-menu-fx .avia-arrow-wrap {
    overflow: hidden;
    display: block;



    Hello Josue
    I have add your CSS into my custom css file but it do not change anything :-(



    I think it is normal because if i’m on post page the menu can’t know that because my main menu is only related to pages !

    Yes, that’s correct. WordPress also won’t highlight the blog page as “parent page” if you’re on a single post page and thus our theme also doesn’t highlight the masonry page as parent page. You can use following code (insert it at the very bottom of functions.php)

    //Filtering a Class in Navigation Menu Item
    add_filter('nav_menu_css_class' , 'avia_blog_nav_class' , 10 , 2);
    function avia_blog_nav_class($classes, $item){
         if(is_single() && $item->title == 'Blog'){
                 $classes[] = 'current-menu-item';
         return $classes;

    to add the “current-menu-item” class to a menu item if the user views a single post page. You must replace “Blog” with the link title of you blog page.

    I tagged this thread for Kriesi as “feature request” – maybe he can work something out with session variables or the blog page setting (Enfold > Theme Options) to mark a certain page item as parent if a single post page is used.

    Best regards,


    No sure to have well understand…
    I take my own example:
    Menu_Link_A (a page that display a masonry blog for all the childrens of the Category A >>> MENU LINK TITLE = ‘INTERIEUR’)
    + Menu_Link_A_1 (a page that display a masonry blog but only for the posts of the Category A_1>>> MENU LINK TITLE = ‘BUREAU’)

    So… what am i supposed to use to replace your ‘Blog’ string?

    I also discover that the little breadcrumb (under the main title of a post), the one with ‘published date / comments / categories’
    is not compatible with Pages as blog because it display the archives pages….

    help help help ! mister Kriesi ! Pages as blogs is a good idea but you have to make it works like a real blog !
    I’m complely lost because I intended to user the nice feature for a site but i’ts not usable



    Ok, this configuration is not possible at the moment because masonry blogs can’t be used as (or replace) native archive pages and we need to wait for Kriesi’s decision on this topic. A temporary solution is to link Menu_Link_A to the category “A” and Menu_Link_A_1 to the category “A_1”. Then go to Enfold > Theme Options > General Settings and select “Blog Style” – “Grid Layout”.

    Best regards,


    You are saying that i will forget the use of masonry blog?
    I can’t imagine that… My client has saw this feature and want it, nothing else…
    If I was aware that there are issues with pages as blog, I’d never shown it to my clients…
    I’m stuck now and i’m very suprise that nobody else has discover this issue
    Can’t you contact Kriesi himself ? Because I do not want a new feature, i just want Page as blog with mansonry with a mainmenu that runs and and a breadcrum that works too….



    I tagged it for Kriesi. He’ll look into it when he has some time.

    Best regards,


    i realy hope he has some time because i must put this site online at the end this week…
    thanks for all



    I’m soft closing the topic for now but Kriesi will respond when able. I’m not sure it will be this week however as he is still working on pushing out the next feature release ASAP.

    Typically, individual theme features are not able to be pushed out under any specific deadline so if you are counting on this for your client work I would suggest you make other plans.

    Best regards,

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