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  • #760944

    The latest popup maker plugin makes the mega menu checkbox invisible. There mega menu doesnt work any more

    Can you please have a look?



    Hey Innovie,

    Would you mind providing a precise link to your site, showing the elements in question? We need to be able to inspect them in order to help :)

    Have in mind that we can’t support every 3rd party plugin out there and best to ask plugin’s author about this.

    Best regards,


    disable popupmaker to see the checkbox. in the menu.
    enable popupmaker tho make the checkbox invisible.



    I can’t see anything wrong on your website. Where can we see the issue? please make things clear for us, by providing us a precise link to the elements in questions, as well as screenshots highlighting the issue (, dropbox).

    Best regards,


    Sorry for the late response…
    the screenshot shows the missing checkbox.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Innovie.

    Okay i found a solution myself:

    Popup Maker > Settings > Misc :
    Disable Popups Menu Editor (Use this if there is a conflict with your theme or another plugin in the nav menu editor.)

    Thanks anyway for your support!



    Happy you solved it, when they are related to 3rd party plugins we can not do a lot to be honest.
    Thakn you very much for letting us know although.

    Best regards,

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