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  • #454314

    I’ve updated to 3.2 this morning, and now having issues.

    – When I view a post the content is there, however when I go to the edit post screen it looks as if there’s no content at all.
    – If I try to load any templates I had saved I get an error message telling me I’m not logged in.
    – I can’t access the new ‘edit column’ button as it’s behind the column number. The URL changes to have ‘#edit-element’ after, but no pop-up appears.
    – If I edit the post and update it, all of the content in the edit post screen disappears again.

    This is just what I’ve found in the 10 minutes since updating.

    EDIT: I’ve rolled back to the previous version of the theme and everything’s come back. Be great if these bugs could get sorted as they do break things a bit.

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by scottgoodacre. Reason: Update on situation

    Hi scottgoodacre!

    Please update Enfold to 3.2 once again and flush browser cache and refresh your page a few times. Few other users reported such issues and they were all cache related. If clearing cache does not help, please create a temporary admin login and post it here privately so we can look into it.



    Thanks – that did the trick.

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