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  • #885321

    I cloned my site, deactivated all plugins, and the problem was still there… regardless of what I selected in the Theme Options for displaying content in the footer, I was only getting the socket div output on my pages.

    I debugged it down to line 21 in the footer.php where $footer_widget_setting was only returning a value of ‘nofooterwidgets’.

    Of course, there might still be something wrong with my particular site, but I figured I’d let you know about this finding. This is with the latest version, 4.2.


    Hey launchmoxie,

    Please, can you provide your website link and WP credentials?

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    Credentials attached.



    Thanks for the login details, though I can’t see the problem. I see the one widget you have in the widgets on the front end. Did you do anything to fix the problem? If not then please clear your browser cache and reload the page.

    Best regards,


    I did add a clause that will always return TRUE on line 21 of footer.php. Without that, the value of $footer_widget_setting would never change.



    Was this able to fix your issue? Did you still need assistance?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    It did fix the issue, but it’s troubling. Are you saying that you didn’t see what I saw with regard to the value of $footer_widget_setting on line 21?



    The issue has not come before – but we have reported to our developers so they can review and update on the upcoming version coming after Christas.

    Thank you very much

    Best regards,

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