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  • #1466310

    Hi Guys,
    We have recently set up a site and are using the ALB Colour Section with a background video.

    There is no option to make it loop.
    Do you have a snippet or can we add controls to this so the video loops? Or can we get the same options added to this as we do for the other video elements?
    mute? autoplay? loop? Whichever are suitable for use as an alb colour section background video.

    I’d say we need mute and loop personally because it already autoplays (You wouldn’t want it to not autoplay)

    We tried using the easy slider for this element but it doesn’t look how we want it to (The video height cannot be controlled in the same way).

    • This topic was modified 6 months, 3 weeks ago by thinkjarvis.

    Hey Thomas,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The background videos in the Color Section should automatically play and loop. This is set by default in the enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/section/section.php file around line 1797.

    'attr'		=> array(
    		'id'				=> '',
    		'video'				=> $video ,
    		'slide_type'		=> 'video',
    		'video_mute'		=> true,
    		'video_loop'		=> true,
    		'video_ratio'		=> $video_ratio,
    		'video_controls'	=> 'disabled',
    		'video_section_bg'	=> true,
    		'video_format'		=> '',
    		'video_mobile'		=> '',
    		'video_mobile_disabled'	=> $video_mobile_disabled

    Best regards,


    Thanks Ismael,

    We couldnt get this to work for some reason.

    We’ve used a full screen background slider for now which does the job just fine for our design intent.

    I’ll test this again when we are next doing a video background element.


    This requires investigation none of the video options are looping in the current version of enfold (6.04)
    Please can you take a look at this in a clean version of enfold
    Thank you

    • This reply was modified 5 months, 3 weeks ago by thinkjarvis.


    Thank you for the update.

    We tested this on our end, and it seems to be working as expected. In the short clip (private field), we added a color section and applied a 5 secs YouTube video as the background (link below).

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    We are using self hosted videos, not youtube. I imagine that youtube will work correctly because of how the embed works.

    Can you try uploading a video. See the link in private below;

    You can see the video plays once and then when it repeats the video doesnt actually play it just lags and plays the last second of the video.

    This applies to all enfold elements

    Colour section background video
    Easy Slider
    Full width easy slider
    full screen background slider
    ALB video element itself.

    The problem is with self hostred videos.For speed and latency reasons it would be better to host a small repeating background video locally vs on a public platform.


    i tested it with a selfhosted video (mp4) : WP 6.6.2 and Enfold 6.0.4
    looked at firefox (developer), Chrome and Safari
    on top: fullwidth easy slider.
    below – easy-slider
    ( did you check on styling tab of the slide popup the loop check-mark?)


    Hi Guenni007,

    Thanks for this. I can see it seems to be working on your test server.

    This is odd as our test was stock enfold without a child theme.

    Im going to download your video from your test site and try looping that in our demo site and see if it works.


    We’ve tested it – The video you have used works.


    can you confirm what software you used to compress or encode the video?

    We’ve used VLC media player to encode ours which is a free software.

    But we have Adobe Premier Pro and Adobe Media Encoder.


    i can not say something about the video – i think it was a pixabay share.
    but if you like to send me a link of your video i test it in my environment.
    you find contact info under my nick

    on my mac – IINA shows : h264, 1288×720 with 29,97fps


    I’ve sent it to the email on your website. Thanks Guenii, Really appreciate your help.


    We’ve just tried re-encoding the video using cloud convert as an acid test….

    This works. Looks like our encoding wasnt right.

    Thank you for your help – Looks like we need to check the mp4 encoding settings.


    may i post it in my text page to show you that it runs. However, the cut is not well placed to show a seamless transition
    if you got youtube or vimeo account – upload – let them do their job and download that resulted Video. ;) for selfhosting

    try more fps – all videos i tested were 29,9fps or 30fps


    Hi Guenni,

    It was definitely an encoding issue.

    We’ve tried re-encoding the video and it runs absolutely fine

    I agree about Vimeo and youtube – But we have a specific use case for this one where it must be self hosted. (A project I hope to share assuming we can iron out the last of the bugs!)


    I just wanted to use it as a crutch.
    They encode all the movies to their specifications. That way you can be sure that they will run smoothly on as many platforms as possible. Then you can download the result and use it as a self-hosted video.


    Thats a good shout! I’ll investigate this further. At least we have identified that the video was the problem not enfold!

    Cloud Convert seems to encode well with a good balance of compression. We will try tweaking the settings in VLC as the output file was about 50% smaller.

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