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  • #1408153

    Hey There,

    I hope someone can help me. :/

    I guess the Avia builder has a bug.. I had this issue a few years ago and now again..
    When i add too much content on a site, the last content is not displayed in mobile and Tablet version.
    In My Case: after the Color Section “5 schritte zu deiner Website”, the content is hidden in mobile and Tablet, even tough, it was showing all the time before and I doublechecked the responsive Settings for mobile and tablet.

    Why is that and how can I fix it?



    Hey Monika,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The section “weisse-linie-oben” has been set to NOT display on very smaller screens. Please recheck the element visibility settings, then toggle or temporarily disable the Enfold > Performance > File Compression settings. Let us know if this helps.

    Best regards,


    Hey Ismael,

    I checked the visibility for the Elements in my Avia Builder at the end of the Page: they are all set to “display in small screens” in the Color Section. I haven’t changed them, there were visible before and at some point they started to disappear.

    I put off the compression, but still: after the Section “5 Schritte” tablet and mobile does not show the content.

    What could it else be?


    I tried many things, and one thing just worked:
    I put a new colorsection in the middle of the layout.
    Now every color section under this new section was visible again in mobile.

    Thats was a strange bug! :D



    It does seem quite unusual! We previously reviewed the hidden color section, and we found that the class name used to hide elements on very small screens is still present, despite being set to display on every device.

    We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience caused by this unexpected behavior. We will continue investigating the issue to determine the root cause and provide a suitable solution. If you have any additional information or if there are specific elements or settings related to the hidden color section that you would like us to review, please provide those details.

    Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.

    Best regards,

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