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  • #1423117

    I have found a bug in chrome browser. This problem is not happening in other tested browsers:
    Please visit in with chrome browser:

    Please open and close the first Toggle several times (You can have open Toggles by default).
    There is a delay in opening and closing with chrome browser which causes a gap between the toggles …

    Can you please check and fix?
    We are using this function for our website see private content box.



    Hey Matthias,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    We are currently investigating the issue and another user reported that the issue only happens when the
    Behavior > Allow only one open toggle is activated. To temporarily fix the issue, please select Allow multiple open toggles (toggle mode), then add this css code.

    .toggle_wrap {
      display: none;

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    thank you.
    I have changed to toggle mode and this is working so far.
    What is the css code for? I don’t see any difference in the beavihour after adding this code.



    Please find link attached



    Thank you for the update.

    The css code should eliminate the gap or whitespace that the toggler leaves when closed. We’re still investigating the issue, but we will include a fix in the next patch once we identify the problem.

    Best regards,


    can you try

    #top .av_toggle_section {

    thats indeed a chrome thing only!




    You are the greatest – adding this at bottom of enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\toggles\toggles.css does the trick.

    Thanks a lot for your help !!!!!

    Until next release also adding it to Quick-CSS in theme options helps.

    Best regards,


    nicht dafür ;)




    Kriesi is preparing the release 5.6.7 – so it should be online in the next hours.

    Best regards,


    wow das ging schnell:
    ist online – ps habt ihr das noch schnell eingebaut! wahnsinn

    fixed: CSS for chrome bug accordion toggles do not close properly and leave white space


    fix didn’t work for me


    Hi @planttilesseo,

    Please make sure you’ve cleared any server-side, plugin-based, and browser caches. If you enabled the CSS file merging and compression option in the Enfold theme options > Performance tab, please disable it, save theme options, enable it, and save theme options again.

    If that doesn’t fix the issue, please start a new thread and send us a link to your site and admin login credentials in the private content field so we can look into it.

    Best regards,


    Hi planttilesseo,

    This has been fixed in Enfold 5.6.7, please try updating to that. If you need further help on the topic, then please open a new thread and include WordPress admin login details in private, so that we can have a closer look at your site.

    Best regards,


    Well with your Alias name and a little search i found your page ;)
    and on FAQ everything works fine here in OSX Chrome

    Edit :
    . You are right. I see – if you open the 5th or 6th toggle there are again this behavior.
    Can you please remove the interims solution with toggle_wrap set to display: none
    and refresh all cachings and merging please after that.

    I had to inspect where we can correct this. – on the enfold page it works as i said as expected.


    I did not see on your page why the toggles looses their focus – on click all moves to the top. – this is not standard behavior!

    Can you try to deactivte the total cache – refresh all cachings and merging of enfold.


    i’m so sorry – i tested it on my own toggles – and there it worked like a charm –

    try this instead ( or in addition)

    #top .single_toggle {

    but loosing the focus away to top is still on your page a problem – because if you open a toggle – you like to read it – and not to move to the top!



    Thanks @guenni007 for your help! I checked this on a website but unfortunately, it didn’t work.

    We’re going to need to test further but the following code seems to fix it:

    .togglecontainer .single_toggle {
        float: none;



    yes this works for me too!
    even on sortable toggles :

    so this bug is my fault – one should always check first if something set has to be removed – before adding a new code.
    II have tested it, but not stress tested. Means very lush content and fast clicking the toggle headings.
    So – although the internet is full of suggestions about this Chrome bug regarding clearing – deleting the floating property is the solution.



    Great! Thanks for the feedback :)



    Great, thanks for this quick fix. It works.



    Hi Matthias,

    Great, I’m glad that you got things working, and sorry for the problem. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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