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  • #765515


    Just to alert you for a little bug : in a form, when I choose a datepicker format with NO control, the * is displayed near the label.
    In reality, it’s not mandatory, if you try to send the form without entering any date, it works. How can I remove the * because it’s confusing for the user.
    Tx for your answer,


    Hey Jean-Francois,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Could you please re-create the issue on a test page? By “NO control, do you mean “No Validation”? I’m sorry but I can’t reproduce the issue on my installation.

    Best regards,


    I’ve reproduced and same result as you in appearance. But I’ve found the bug : It works perfectly when you create a simple form but the mandatory * appears when at the bottom, you tick the box “Hide the labels”. (don’t know the real sentence cause I’m using Dante in french).

    Can u reproduce?
    Tx and nice day



    Could you please provide an image or a screenshot of the issue? An actual link to the page with the contact form issue will help.




    Here is the URL with the form. You can test it : fill in Name / Email / Message, don’t enter anything in the dates and the message will be sent successfully : dates are not mandatory but there’s the *

    Tx !!



    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Please add this code temporarily in the functions.php file to fix the issue.

    add_filter('avf_datepicker_date_placeholder', 'avf_datepicker_date_placeholder_mod');
    function avf_datepicker_date_placeholder_mod($placeholder_text) {
    	return str_replace('*', '', $placeholder_text);



    OK Tx… I’ll let the labels out of the field and let me know if this issue will be fixed in the next version :-)
    Tx for your support



    Let us know if you have any other questions or issues :)

    Best regards,
    John Torvik

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