Tagged: border, Colour section, gap
January 8, 2019 at 12:54 pm #1051368
I think I have noticed a bug and wanted to discuss it with you.
I’ve placed a colour section containing an image (which is designed to merge into the footer by using the same colour as the footer) at the bottom of a page just before the footer. The colour section doesn’t have any borders and I’ve removed the borders from the footer. The image does not contain any border.
When the image is set to stretch and background Image Position is set to Bottom left, there is a 1px line between the colour section and footer.
After a lot of testing, I found that the only way of getting this to disappear was to make the background colour of the colour section the same as the footer (in addition to having a background image). What is interesting is that if the Section background is not set to “Stretch to fit” and is “No repeat” then there is no gap.
I’ve set up two test pages to illustrate this at:
1) Section Background set to “No Repeat”. There is no gap at the base of the colour section: http://tweeddale.digitalessence.net/colour-section-no-repeat/
2) Section background set to “Stretch to fit” and there is a gap between the colour section and the footer: http://tweeddale.digitalessence.net/colour-section-stretch-to-fit/
3) Colour section background set to same colour as the bottom of the image and the footer: http://tweeddale.digitalessence.net/
Is this a possible bug?
January 9, 2019 at 12:45 pm #1051791Hey DigitalEssence,
Thank you for writing to us.
I checked your site on my Laptop and desktop and I can confirm that the line seen in your screenshot was not visible on my screen.
Depending on the height of the page elements and the screen resolution sometimes very rarely the browser does not render the pixels correctly and cause the 1px gap. Just to confirm it is the same case just zoom the page by pressing down the Ctrl + scroll wheel or click on the 3 dots on the top right of the chrome browser and zoom the page.
Let us know if you still see the line?
If you do not see the line please try a different image or change the image height by just a few pixels and re-upload. Do not forget to clear the cache.
Best regards,
Vinay -
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